2023 Travels and adventures of the Two RV Gypsies in The Carolinas

Scroll down under the map for 2023 travels throughout The Carolinas and a link to other USA states in 2023.

Eastern USa map showing location of The Carolinas

A link at the bottom of each page will take you to the next adventure or back to this page so you can view these in the order they appear or in the order of your own choice.

Cool Links

bullet Photos from both the North Carolina and South Carolina side of the I-77 rest stop

bullet January - Karen Duquette's birthday dinner and birthday hats

bullet February - Holidays - Valentines Day and Mardi Gras in 2023 plus a DOG costume contest

bullet March - St. Patrick's Day celebrations

bulletApril 4, 2023 - Glendale Shoals in Glendale, SC

bullet Wade's Restaurant in Spartanburg, SC and some cute signs on the walls.

bullet April - the Great-Grandchildren's Easter Egg Hunt

bullet April 15, 2023 - 40th Annual Showcase of Woodcarvers in Charlotte, NC - amazing

bullet April 19, 2023 - Segway tour #34 combined with Segway tour #1 - in Asheville, NC

bullet April 19, 2023 - Sinistar Monster Truck

bullet April 23, 2023 - Monster Jam in Columbia, SC featuring Grave Digger, Just-Get-er-On, Megalodon, Monster Mutt, Terminal Velocity, Wild Side, plus the Pit Party and drivers - 3 pages

bullet April 23, 2023 - A short walking tour in Columbia, SC - The State House, First Responders Memorial and a bit more with a link to a more extensive visit to The State House in 2022.

bullet May 2, 2023 - Chester, SC - combined with 2022 photos

bulletMay 2023 - Driving the Carolinas - water towers, famous horse statue, picture puzzle car & oddities

bullet Old Salem, North Carolina - May 2022 and May 2023 and November 2023 combination

bullet Segway tours # 35 & #30 combined - in Winston-Salem (two tours there, but different areas)

bullet Quarry Park in Winston-Salem - 2022 & 2023 combination

bullet May 10, 2023 - A hike to Tory's Den and Cave at Hanging Rock State Park

bullet May 21-23, 2023 - RV TRIP: KEOWEE-TOXAWAY STATE PARK, waterfalls, hikes, zipline and more
- a menu with many choices of several different places.

bullet June 3, 2023 - a day trip to Matthews, North Carolina

bullet June 12-15, 2023 - RV trip to Tabor City, Myrtle Beach, other beaches, a zipline, wine tasting and more
- a menu with many choices of several different places.

bullet June 25, 2023 - Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens in Columbia, South Carolina

bullet September 4, 2023 - Sumter, SC - butterfly poles, history and more

bullet October 11, 2023 - A day in Fort Mill, SC

bullet October 11, 2023 - Scarecrows in Fort Mill, South Carolina - 2 pages

bullet October 14, 2023 - Scarecrows in Mint Hill, North Carolina

bullet October 31, 2023 - Karen and Lee Duquette at a couple of Halloween parties (but most photos were lost)

bullet November 9, 2023 - Monstercade in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

bullet Koka-Booth Chinese Lantern Festival in Cary, NC - several pages in 2022, 2023 and 2024

bullet Shelly Woods Sub-division Christmas decorations in 2023 and 2024

bullet An amazing Christmas display in Tega Cay, SC in 2023 and 2024

bullet Carolina Holiday Light Spectacular at Ballantyne's Backyard, Ballantyne, NC - 4 pages in 2023 and 2024

bullet December 20, 2023 - Christmas Decorations at Charlotte Speedway, NC- 2 pages

bullet December 21, 2023 - Christmas at Patriot's Park, Kings Mountain, NC

bullet December 25, 2023 - Christmas in SC and the two RV Gypsies' travel tree

bullet December 31, 2023 - Bye-Bye to the year 2023 and Hello to the year 2024

look below for other states in 2023
This is the end of the 2023 South and North Carolina choices, BUT there are three navigational choices below for other travels in 2023, plus the main navigational buttons for this very large website.

If you have NOT seen the the RV trip to Virginia and West Virginia - July 2023, you may go there now.


If you have NOT seen the October 2 - 5, 2023 - a trip to Pigeon Forge, TN, please go there now.


If you HAVE seen all of The Carolinas, Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee adventures in 2023, continue on to the year 2024.


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via the alphabetical or category buttons below

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