The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
on their 30th and 35th and 36th Segway tours -
all three times with Triad ECO Adventures (yet mostly different sections of the area)
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
May 21, 2022, May 10, 2023 and November 9, 2023
Phone 336.722.7777 for reservations

Besides the Segway, they also have electric-bike excursions, Paddlefit lessons and tours, trolley tours and more to offer.

Segway tour building Segway NC license plate

Below: The ramp down to the parking lot (May 10, 2023 photo)

Karen Duquette on the Segway ramp



Below: The two RV Gypsies and their May 2023 guide, Diana. The trolleys were in a different positions from the above 2022 photos. The two RV Gypsies have on matching shirts listing all of their Segway tours. But the words do not show up well in the photos.

The two RV Gypsies on Segway 2023
The two RV Gypsies and their 2023 guide, Diana.

Below: In the parking lot by the trolleys - November 9, 2023. (Note: The shirts are the same color with the same logo as the May 2023 shirts above - but they are actually newer shirts with a list of all the Segway tours the two RV Gypsies have taken up until this point in time. The names cover the front and part of the back. So there is room on the back to list this tour and future Segway tours.

The two RV Gypsies and their guide Alexa
The two RV Gypsies and their guide Alexa
Troad eco Adventure banner
divider line

Below: The Actual Segway Tour, starting with the May 2022 photos which was actually the 30th time the two RV Gypsies have taken a Segway tour, but the first time here in Winston-Salem. The "art" shown below are actually tombstones for the husband and wife founders of the college.

The two RV Gypsies on their Segvways

Below: Three photos taken in the same spot as above, but this time in November 2023. Notice the difference in the trees.
This was the The two RV Gypsies 36th Segway tour ever (and third time with this same Segway company).

tombstone art Karen Duquette on a Segeay

BELOW: Karen Duquette and her tour guide, Alexa Zamora - November 9, 2023

Karen Duquette and Alexa
divider line

Below: Back to the May 21, 2022 tour: The 30th Segway tour for the two RV Gypsies. Karen Duquette is wearing a shirt listing all of their Segway tours.

The two RV Gypsies on their Segvways on a bridge
The two RV Gypsies reast at a  water fountain

Below: The two RV Gypsies and the Winston-Salem tea kettle (2022 photo)

The Winston-Salem tea-pot
The two RV Gypsies on their Segways

Below: There were Lots of Water Towers in the area. The two RV Gypsies photographed them because their great-grandchildren love water towers for some reason. Karen Duquette is making a special photo book of water towers for her two great-grandchildren.

Winston-Salem water tower
Winston-Salem water tower WF lofts water tower

Below: May 10, 2023 - The two RV Gypsies' 35th Segway tour and the second time with this same Segway tour company. The tour guide, Diana, somehow took the photo on the right by aiming the camera over her shoulder as she was riding in front of the two RV Gypsies. Great aim, Diana!

The two RV Gypsies on their Segways The two RV Gypsies and their guide

Below: The two RV Gypsies love Freewheeling time, as it is the best part of Segway tours (although not necessarily offered on every tour here, there or anywhere). But it was especially the only thing that made this tour worth the money in May 2023. Because at the beginning of this tour in May 2023, Karen Duquette had the blue Segway with yellow ducks on it. It was so slow, that Karen got bored part-way through the tour. So she asked the guide to go a bit faster. But when she did, Karen could not go any faster and the guide was quite a bit ahead of Karen before she turned around to check on the two RV Gypsies. When Karen caught up with the guide, she was very upset because she just was NOT having any fun. So they went back to the Segway office and Karen got a different Segway.

But as they rolled along, Karen soon realized that this second Segway was just as slow and still could not keep up with the guide. Of course, the two RV Gypsies realize that all Segways on tours have a delimiter on them so the customer can only go a certain speed. But because this was Karen's 35th Segway tour, Karen knew this just was not right.

At this point, Lee Duquette, being the gentleman and caring person that he is, insisted that they trade Segways. (Karen only agreed because it would prove if it was her or the two Segways that were not up to par). And of course, Karen then discovered that she could ride at a decent pace and keep up with the guide, but Lee could not. So Karen really enjoyed the freewheeling time when she could go at a much better speed. Lee tried racing her and was left far behind. Thank you Lee for saving the day!

NOTE: In November 2023, there was NO problem with the Segways. The Guides were wonderful on all three trips.

May 2022 photo at the waterfall wall in the freewheeling area.

May 2023 photo at the waterfall wall

a wall of water

freewheeling Segway 2023

freewqheeling face-off The two RV Gypsies

Below: Freewheeling at the waterfall - November 9, 2023.

Freewheeling at the waterfall on Segways The two RV Gypsies Freewheeling at the waterfall on Segways
The two RV Gypsies Freewheeling at the waterfall on Segways

All of the below photos were taken November 9, 2023 with Alexa Zamora as the guide - starting with a long mural.

The two RV gypsies near a mural

Below: City Park Church - 235 W. Banner Avenue - Winston-Salem, NC

The two RV Gypsies at City Park Church The two RV Gypsies at City Park Church

Below: Lee Duquette usually rides his Segway behind Karen Duquette and he snaps a few photos. These photos show the back of Karen Duquette's Segway shirt. Of course the list begins on the front of the shirt, but since not all of the tours can fit on the front, they continue down the back of the shirt. There is still room for more Segway tours to be on the back. As stated above, this was Segway tour #36 for the two RV Gypsies. (The full lists includes several in Canada and Alaska, plus many other USA states of course)

Alexa the guide and Karen Duquette
Alexa and Karen rolling along Alexa and Karen rolling along
Lee Duquette on his Segway Karen Duquette on her Segway

Below: Riding up the curvy hill to see the Windmills at Merschel Park.

entering Merschel Park entering Merschel Park
Karen Duquette in Merschel Park Karen Duquette in Merschel Park
windmills and a fancy building fancy building

Below: The windmills at Merschel Park.

The two RV Gypsies by windmills The two RV Gypsies by windmills

Below: A close-up of the plaque at the windmill art shown above

The title of the windmills - Balancing Act

look below

go to the next adventure Continue on to the Quarry Park in Winston-Salem, NC (2022 & 2023 combination of photos)