The two RV Gypsies sat third
row, centered of the stage and had excellent seats. There are no words
to adequately describe this show. Rick Thomas is a must-see attraction.
Rick headlined in Las Vegas for 15 years, but is now living and performing
in Branson, Missouri. As of this date in 2016, he has done 5 world tours
in over 50 countries and numerous TV appearances. His beautiful tigers
are no longer in the show. They are enjoying a carefree retirement at
an Arizona animal preserve. The show had lots of dancers, birds, and
Every part of the show was surreal but the best part, in the opinion
of the two RV Gypsies, was when Rick and his lead dancer floated through
the air. The dancer twisted and turned and moved gracefully as though
dancing. The two RV Gypsies highly recommend his show. And by the way,
the two RV Gypsies have been to many other famous illusionists (magicians)
shows, but were still in awe of Rick Thomas. |
The two RV Gypsies
were picked to be ON STATE WITH RICK THOMAS. First Rick asked Karen
Duquette if she had ever performed and Karen answered "no".
Rick said to Lee, "I am so sorry for you." The audience
laughed. The audience laughed even harder when Karen covered her face
with her hands, pretending to be embarrassed. (After all, she was on
stage and had to act it up too).
Rick asked Lee Duquette if he could use Lee's watch and Lee handed
his watch to Rick. Rick then asked Karen to read the time on Lee's watch.
The time was 9:45 p.m. Then Rick asked Lee to pick a time, any time
he wanted and he chose 12:32 as the time. Rick put Lee's watch in a
small bag that was on a long string. Then he held Karen's hand while
they BOTH swung the watch in the bag around and around, then SLAMMED
it onto the floor. The crowd, plus Karen and Lee, were all SHOCKED.
Rick blamed Karen for it, so she turned her back to the audience and
hid her face in the stage curtain for a second or two, while the audience
once again laughed. (Guess Karen could be an actress after-all.)
Then Rick put the bag and watch in a small urn which was centered
on a big, heavy tray and told Karen to hold it. Karen held it tightly
with both hands, but the tray soon exploded and fell to the floor in
a zillion pieces. Karen was surprised and since she still had one handle
of the tray in her hand, her reaction was to just drop it. Once again,
Rick said it was all Karen's fault and Karen was told to leave the stage
and go back to her seat. Karen humbly retreated.
Rick then showed Lee a locked box on a nearby table, which nobody
had been near during this time. A key was hanging out of the lock on
the box and Rick told Lee to turn the key and open the box. Rick never
touched the box this whole time. Lee opened the box and removed the
contents. Lee's watch was in the box. Lee read the time on the watch
and believe it or not, the watch said 12:32. How Amazing was that!
The two RV Gypsies were given a $20 gift certificate to Garfield's
Restaurant. But since they were leaving Branson the next day, Lee told
Karen to give it to someone in the audience. Karen was not happy and
would like to have stayed one more day just to eat there, because they
had eaten there the day before and loved the food. But Lee insisted
they leave in the morning, even though Karen was unhappy and actually
a bit mad too. But Lee is the driver of the RV.
Guess the two RV Gypsies (especially Karen) do not have as much freedom
as Karen thought, unless Lee as the driver of the RV agrees. |