Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
sign = Van Horn
in Van Horn, Texas
April 12, 2009
Lee Duquette driving past the peaks.
Lee Duquette drove past beautiful mountain peaks. This was a very windy trip. The motorhome often shook from the wind gusts so much that when Karen Duquette closed her eyes, she felt as though she was on a ship in rough seas. So, of course, Karen kept her eyes open. DUH!
laughing clipart dudeThe two RV Gypsies took a break from driving, and the wind gusts just about blew them away! Karen Duquette's hair was quite wild in the wind.
Karen trying to walk in the strong winds
Karen trying to walk in the strong winds
Below: Karen Duquette tried to walk in the strong winds, but she could barely move! And her hair prevented her from seeing.
Karen trying to walk in the strong winds
Karen trying to walk in the strong winds
laughing clipart dudeThe wind was so strong that Lee Duquette thought he could fly, and he almost did take off!
Lee trying to fly in the strong winds
Lee trying to fly in the strong winds
Below: Lee Duquette and his Wild Man Hair-do -- LOL
Wild Man Hair-do
Wild Man Hair-do
Below: Interesting photos taken from the moving motorhome while driving to Van Horn Texas.
Windmills harvesting energy
Windmills harvesting energy
Below: Windmills harvesting energy
Karen Duquette can not be in Texas
without posting an oil well.
Windmills harvesting energy
A Texas oil well
Below: A painting on a bridge.
painting on a bridge
Below: Lee and Karen Duquette, The two RV Gypsies stopped at a picnic spot for lunch. It was windy and cool.
Lee preparing a picnic lunch
Lee preparing a picnic lunch
Karen Duquette taking a break from the wind
Below: Scenery at the picnic area
This road dipped and raised like a roller coaster. Guess that is why certain low sections flood at times and they had a gauge to mark the flood level in the road.
Below: A dust storm alongside the highway
Below: More photos of dust storms alongside the highway
Below: A BUNCH OF BEAUTIFUL SCENERY - taken from the moving motorhome, through a closed window that was not made to open.
Below: A few photos of plants that the two RV Gypsies liked.
Lee Duquette

Below: Oak mistletoe

Below: A beautiful sky to travel under
Below: Entering Van Horn Texas. Van Horn sits astride I-10 and is the hub of the Texas Mountain Trail. Within 50-200 miles there are many National Parks, state parks and historic sites including Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Fort Davis National Historic Site and State Park, Big Bend National Park, Balmorhea State Park, and McDonald Observatory. Van Horn has 15 motels, 3 RV Parks, 16 restaurants and 9 service stations. Van Horn is in Culberson County, the 5th largest county (in square miles) in Texas. The county is larger than the state of Rhode Island. Elevation ranges from 8,751 feet to valley floors at 3,000 feet.
Below: The RV of The Two RV Gypsies at Mountain View RV Park. It was off season so the park was empty except for two RVs. Nobody was at the office so the two RV Gypsies put their money in a box to pay for the campground. No clubhouse, pool, or amenities. Seems like it was just an overnight place for most RVers.
The ground was full of burrs. Guess that's the price you pay sometimes for the great outdoors.
The view from the RV
of the Two RV Gypsies

The view from the park

NOTE: The two RV Gypsies returned to Van Horn Texas in September 2022 and parked their RV at Oasis RV Campground, which had some unusual things in the campground, plus a water tower across the street. If you go there now, there will be a link at the bottom of that page to bring you back here. They also explored other nearby areas, not visited in 2009.

location in TexasThe two RV Gypsies
in Texas
April 2009

Note: These photos are divided into five sections in order to allow photos to load more quickly on each page and therefore be more pleasurable to viewers. So please visit each of the five sections below for the drought in San Angelo, the reservoir, prairie dogs, long-eared jackrabbit, road-runner bird, Ozona and more. You may view these sections in any order you choose. There is also a link to New Mexico below.

O.C. Fisher Reservoir

San Angelo State Park and wildlife
Van Horn (this page)

Spectacular views from Guadalupe Peak,
the highest peak in Texas

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go to the next adventure of the Two RV GypsiesAFTER you have visited ALL 5 of the above menus, continue on to Las Cruces, New Mexico and more

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