Lee and Karen Duquette
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
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The two RV Gypsies in AlaskaThe two RV Gypsies adventures in CanadaCountries Karen and Lee Duquette visitedcruises Karen and Lee Duquette have takenThe two RV Gypsies travel in the USAlearn about Lee and Karen Duquette
learn about Brian Lee Duquette's life and tragedye-mail the two RV GypsiesFlashback memories of the two RV Gypsiesplease sign the Tow RV Gypsies' guestbookLinks to other RV informationuseful hints for RV trips
art seen by the two RV Gypsiescampgrounds in USA and CanadaBotanical Gardens, Cactus, flowers, ArboretumsLighthouses visited by Karen DuquetteMuseums visited by Karen DuquetteNational Parks in the USA and Canada
Oddities, Big things, weird stuffRestaurt comments and photosState Parks in the USATravel Videos by the two RV GypsiesWaterfalls wildlife in the USA and Canada

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importantNote & Disclaimer: A lot, but not all of the information about places the two RV Gypsies visit comes from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Other information is obtained from tour guides, brochures, and RVers met on the road. Information or comments on this site about campgrounds, restaurants, and places are only the opinion or experience of the two RV Gypsies and does not make the restaurant, campground, or place good or bad in general. This is only meant to be a fun and helpful site showing how interesting full-time life on the road can be. And how wonderful travel can be in the USA and Canada, as well as a few cruises.

IMPORTANTWaterfalls and walking on glaciers can be dangerous places! People have DIED at waterfalls and on glaciers WITHOUT a guide. The two RV Gypsies hereby notify you that the inclusion of waterfalls and glaciers on this web site shall in no way represent any guarantee that waterfalls, glaciers, or even hiking are safe activities. YOU are responsible for your own safety at all times, no matter what you do, or where you go! The same goes for roller coasters, Segways, ATV's, canoes, kayaks, ziplines, and anything and any place shown in photos or videos on this website. Please do not contact the two RV Gypsies for reservations for any campground, restaurant or tour. This website is just a log of the two RV Gypsies' adventures for everyone to enjoy. Thank you.

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have a great day

the two RV Gypsies