The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
took their 22nd Segway tour
but their 1st time in
Greenville, South Carolina
August 28, 2019

USA map showing location of South CarolinaSouth Carolina map showing location of Greenville

As one of South Carolina’s fastest-growing urban areas located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Greenville is a wonderful city to explore by Segway. The two RV Gypsies glided through downtown Greenville to the historic West End and then cruised along taking in breathtaking views of the Swamp Rabbit Trail and Falls Park.

There are several other types of tours to choose from, including bicycle tours. Walter was a wonderful guide. The two RV Gypsies highly recommend this tour because they had a lot of fun. This was their 22nd time taking a Segway tour in various places throughout the USA and Canada.

Their other Segway tours can be seen by choosing the red letter "S" at the bottom of this page (or clicking here), then scrolling down to Segways.

welcome to Greenville sign Greenville Glides sign

Once again, the two RV Gypsies were lucky enough to be the only two people on a Segway tour. This has happened most of the time for them, even though this was their 22nd Segway tour.

This Segway tour went through part of Falls Park on the Reedy. They were also here in 2010 (but not on a Segway tour). To see more extensive photos of Falls Park on the Reedy, use the link at the bottom of this page. There will be a link at the bottom of the 2010 page to return here.

Falls Park on the Reedy sign The two RV Gypsies on Segways at Falls Park on the Reedy

Below: Karen Duquette's shirt lists all the other places they have taken Segway tours. The list continues on the back side of the shirt.

The two RV Gypsies on Segways at Falls Park on the Reedy The two RV Gypsies on Segways at Falls Park on the Reedy
root branches at the bottom of a big tree Karen Duquette by the big tree roots
airplane, Karen Duquette and the tour guide airplane

Below: Two of many miniature mouse statues throughout downtown Greenville.

miniature mouse statue miniature mouse statue
statue of Joel Roberts Poinsett
plaque about Joel Roberts Poinsett's statue
downtown Greenville clock
statue Karen Duquette and a lion statue

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go back button To see more extensive photos of Falls Park on the Reedy as seen in 2010, click here. A link at the bottom of that page will take you back here.


go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to Stumpy Pond at the Greenway in SC


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