Scroll down for several kokopelli, dust storms, ruins, and more in Arizona
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Gilbert and Mesa, Arizona
July 23 - 26, 2012

The Kokopelli is an ancient god found in rock art. Kokopelli played the flute ending winter and announcing the coming of spring.

Traveling from Tucson to Mesa, Arizona, the two RV Gypsies stopped for diesel in Marana (just northwest of Tucson in Pinal County), and Karen Duquette took a few photos.
sign: Welcome to Marana Stone Cowboy in Marana
flowers in Marana flowers in Marana
barrel cactus in Marana graphic on gas pump
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Below: Picacho Peak State Park's centerpiece spire is visible from downtown Tucson, a distance of 45 miles away. The summit rises to 3,374 feet above mean sea level. Though appearing to be the remnant of a volcanic neck, it is now believed to be a tilted and eroded piece of rock overlain by a lava flow. The place name is redundant: "picacho" means "big peak" in Spanish. The two RV Gypsies did not stop at the state park, but merely photographed Picacho Peak from the highway.
Picacho Peak
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Below; Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, in Coolidge, Arizona, just northeast of the city of Casa Grande, preserves a group of Ancient Pueblo Peoples Hohokam structures of the Pueblo III and Pueblo IV Eras.
sign: Welcome to Coolidge entrance to Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
Below: The National Monument consists of the ruins of multiple structures surrounded by a compound wall constructed by the ancient people of the Hohokam period, who farmed the Gila Valley in the early 13th century. Archeologists have discovered evidence that the ancient Sonoran Desert people who built the Casa Grande also developed wide-scale irrigation farming and extensive trade connections which lasted over a thousand years until about 1450 C.E. "Casa Grande" is Spanish for "big house"; these names refer to the largest structure on the site, which is what remains of a four story structure that may have been abandoned by 1450. The structure is made of caliche (a mineral), and has managed to survive the extreme weather conditions for about seven centuries.
view of Casa Grande Ruins from the RV Casa Grande Ruins
Casa Grande Ruins Casa Grande Ruins
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Below: A collage of signs the two RV Gypsies saw while driving in Arizona.
signs about dust storms
Below; Two different dust storms (some people call them Dust Devils) along the highway. Actually, the two RV Gypsies saw several other dust storms but were not able to photograph them all through the window of the moving RV.
a small dust storm a larger dust storm
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Below: The Two RV Gypsies parked their RV in their new back yard. They love travel, always have their own (and only) home with them, but get a new yard and scenery as often as they wish. What a wonderful life!
sign: Palm Gardens RV Resort
water fountain at Palm Gardens RV Resort
the RV of the two RV Gypsies at Palm Gardens RV Resort
the RV of the two RV Gypsies at Palm Gardens RV Resort
Below: The Two RV Gypsies with a Kokopelli in Lee Duquette's sister's house.
The Two RV Gypsies and a Kokopelli
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Willcox, Arizona
and the BBQ Restaurant

Fort Willcox RV Park
and the roadrunner

Chiricahua National Monument The double rainbow
and the deer encounter
Saguaro National Park Sabino Canyon
Travel and Casa Grande Ruins (this page)
Amazing scenery
Fry's London Bridge
Parker Dam Lake Havasu Island
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