The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
visited Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona
July 20, 2012
map of USA showing location of Chiricahua National Monument
sign: Chiricahua National Monumnet straight ahead

The two RV Gypsies photographed a bit of scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona while traveling to Chiricahua National Monument. These photos were taken through the window of the two RV Gypsies' toad (their truck). Their RV was parked in the campground.

The Scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
The Scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
The Scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
The Scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
weather on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
weather on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona
scenery on Arizona Highway 186 in Willcox, Arizona

history book clipartThe Chiricahua National Monument is located about 36 miles southeast of Willcox, Arizona. Geologists believe that it preserves the remains of an immense volcanic eruption that shook the region some 27 million years ago. The thick white-hot ash spewed forth from the nearby Turkey Creek Caldera, cooled and hardened into rhyolite tuff, laying down almost two thousand feet of dark volcanic ash and pumice, highly siliceous in nature which eventually eroded into the natural features visible that we see at the monument today.

sign: The Chiricahua National Forest sign: The Chiricahua National Monument

Below: These photos were taken from the main road around the bottom of the mountain. No hiking required.

photos taken from the main road around the bottom of the mountain road leading into Chiricahua National Monument Park
rock formations at  Chiricahua National Monument Park columns at  Chiricahua National Monument Park
columns at  Chiricahua National Monument Park looking up at columns at  Chiricahua National Monument Park
panorama at Chiricahua National Monument Park
panorama at Chiricahua National Monument Park
cliffs at Chiricahua National Monument Park
sign: Organ Pipe Formation Organ Pipe Formation
Organ Pipe Formation Organ Pipe Formation

Rocks: The formations at Chiricahua are similar in size and shape to the sandstone spires of Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks in Utah, although without as much color - the rocks were grey or brown, but often with a covering of bright green lichen. They were formed by erosion of compacted pumice and ash, resulting from a huge eruption around 27 million years ago

columns, Pinnacles and Balanced Rocks
sign about columns, Pinnacles and Balanced Rocks
explanation of the formation of these mountains
Chiricahua National Park Chiricahua National Park
Chiricahua National Park
Chiricahua National Park Chiricahua National Park
Chiricahua National Park scenery at Chiricahua National Park
panorama at Chiricahua National Park

Below: One of many trails at Chiricahua National Monument. Instead of hiking trails like they did last time they were here, the two RV Gypsies chose to photograph the amazing scenery from the road area.

sign: Chiricahua Mountains Wilderness sign: Chiricahua Mountains Wilderness
view of sign: Chiricahua Mountains Wilderness formations
panorama of Chiricahua Mountains Wilderness
view of Chiricahua Mountains Wilderness

Below: The only trail the two RV Gypsies went on in Chiricahua National Monument on this date; but they only went to the first corner of the trail (about a one minute walk). There they took a few photos and decided not to walk or hike the rest of the trail.

sign: Masssai Nature Trail
a rock and flowers a rock and flowers

Below: Lee Duquette about one-minute in on the Massai Nature Trail.

Lee Duquette on the Masssai Nature Trail the Masssai Nature Trail
panorama from the first corner of the the Masssai Nature Trail

Below: Karen Duquette had to zoom in on the hill - because there is a building up there.

mountain zoom in on the hill - there is a building up there.

Below: Near where the two RV Gypsies parked their truck was another chance to photograph some amazing scenery without having to hike any trails.

zoomed in view zoomed in view
really zoomed in view

Filming in another direction, Karen Duquette saw even more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Monument.

more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Park more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Park
more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Park
more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Park
more amazing scenery at Chiricahua National Park

check it outThe two RV Gypsies were at Chiricahua National Monument in 2009. At that time, they hiked the Lower Rhyolite Canyon Trail, which was a difficult trail, but they are NOT doing any difficult hiking this trip. However, in 2009, the two RV Gypsies saw The Heart of Rocks area which had very unusual named formations. If you would like to see these amazing formations photographed in 2009, click here. Otherwise, continue on below for the current 2012 adventures of the two RV Gypsies.

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Below is the sub-menu for Arizona

You may view these twelve (12) choices in any order you wish. There is also a link to California at the bottom of this page.

Willcox, Arizona
and the BBQ Restaurant

Fort Willcox RV Park
and the roadrunner

Chiricahua National Monument

The double rainbow
and the deer encounter

Saguaro National Park

Sabino Canyon

Travel and Casa Grande Ruins

Amazing scenery


London Bridge

Parker Dam

Lake Havasu Island

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continue on to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesAFTER you have viewed all of the sections above, please continue on to the adventures of the two RV Gypsies in California.


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