In loving memory of our son,
Brian Lee Duquette

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In loving memory of our son,
Brian Lee Duquette.

Scroll down to see Brian grow into a wonderful man
who deserved a longer time on this earth.

Some of the things Brian loved: his family, his dog China, friends, technology, dolphins, chess, history, shooting pool, science, Star Wars, astronomy, Stephen King, reading, fine restaurants and fancy foods, helping people, swimming, clothes, his backyard pool and hot tub area, and life in general.

Here are some of Brian's accomplishments: Earned the highest award possible in Scouts - The Arrow Of Light Award, soccer trophies, many reading certificates, almost always on the honor roll in school, many science fair awards, earned a Bachelor of Science Degree, a technology wiz, received a certificate signed by President Ronald Reagan for Outstanding Achievement, and he definitely made the world a better place for many people. Brian always did his best at everything. Brian was on the road to achieving all his dreams and success. Please read the letters people have written about Brian.

Brian's mom bought Brian a book called "There Is Greatness Within You, My Son" by Gary Morris

Here are only some of the highlights from that book that Karen knows applies to Brian:

"You're successful and intelligent, and there is no limit to where you can go or what you can do." "Good morals, a sense of humor, and a loving heart contribute to the wonderful man you are."

It is amazing how Mr. Gary Morris put in writing so many of the exact feelings we, as Brian's parents, feel applies to Brian in particular. I highly recommend this book for all mothers who have wonderful sons.

 Brian Lee Duquette one day old
 Brian Lee Duquette, one month old
Brian Lee Duquette, one month old

Brian - one day old, 6 lbs 13 oz
18-1/2 inches

Brian - one month old

Brian Lee Duquette,one month old
 Brian Lee Duquette gets christened
Brian and his Godmother, Aunt Donna Duquette

Brian Duquette laughs a lot

Above: Brian got christened - his Aunt Donna - August 3, 1969

Brian and his grandmother Josephine Duquette
Brian and his grandmother Josephine Duquette
Brian -4 months old

Brian Duquette (age 3 months) with his Grandmother, Josephine Duquette

4 months old in a play wig
Brian in the wig again
Brain Duquette age 7 months
Christmas 1969
Brian in the wig again
Brian crawling - age 7 months
Brian with his grandparents, cousins
and sister: Brian's 1st Christmas, 1969
Brian Lee Duquette age ONE
Brian Duquette and his rocking horse
Brian - the popsicle kid
Brian is one year old, June 1970
Faster, Faster, says Brian
Brian - the popsicle kid
Brian and his sister play outside
Brian and his sister play in the pool
Brian at Catskill Game Farm

June 8, 1970

June 8, 1970

Above: June 20, 1970 - Brian and his mom
at Catskill Game Farm

Brian - almost 1 year old
Brian walking - 13 months old
Brian - October 1970
Can't a guy read in peace?
July 7, 1970 - 13 months old
Brian - liked to sit in boxes
Brian - Halloween 1970
Brian gets a warm greeting from his sisterL
Christmas 1970

Halloween 1970
- Mommy's little clown

Christmas 1970
- Listen to Big Sister

decorating the tree,
Christmas 1970

Brian Duquette  in the snow
Brain and Renee, easter 1971
Brian & Renee May 1971

Brian in the snow

Easter 1971 - two very happy faces

May 1971, Bristol, Connecticut

Brian Duquette 1971
Brian and his sister August 1971


August 1971 -
on the ferry boat to the
Statue of Liberty

August 1971

Moved to Terryville, Connecticut
Brian Duquette age two
Brian & Renee - Sept. 1971
Brian - Christmas 1971 - age 2-1/2

Brian age 2 - Terryville, CT house

Brian and his sister
September 1971

Brian - Christmas 1971
- age 2-1/2

Christmas 1971
Brian - December 1971 - age 2-1/2
Brian Duquette's sexy smile
Christmas 1971
What a precious smile
Brian and his sexy smile
Brian's birthday, age 3
Brian & Renee Duquette
Brian, Renee, Lady Renee
Brian's birthday, age 3,
June 1972
A favorite photo of our two lovely children, June 1972
Brian, Renee,
and puppy Lady Renee
Brian and Princess
Christmas 1972
Great Grandman Hazel Duquette

Brian and Princess, 1972

Brian and Renee with dogs, Lady Renee and Princess, Christmas 1972

Brian and Renee with Great Grandma Hazel and cousin Lori, Christmas 1972

Brian and his sister, December 1972
Brian, Renee, Princess
Brian at the Los Angeles Zoo

December 1972

Renee, Brian, Princess and
the neighbors St. Bernard

March 1973, Brian on horse
at the Los Angeles Zoo

1973- Indio Festival in Calif
Brain and his mom at Knotts Berry Farm
Brain Duquette feeding a seal

1973- Indio Date Festival in California

March 1973, Karen and Brian
at Knotts Berry Farm in California

March 1973, Brian feeding a seal
at Marineland in California

Brian at Universal Stuidios in California
Brian and his sexy smile
Halloween 1973
March 1973, Brian fat Universal Studios in California
Gifts from Mexico trip, 1973
Halloween 1973
Brian, Renee, and cousins Jolene & Danny Pethoud
November 1973
Brain Duquette November 1973

Brian, Renee, and cousins
Jolene and Danny Pethoud
in California

November 1973 - back in Terryville

November 1973, Brian in a tree

Brian and his famiy, Christmas Eve 1973
Christmas, 1973
Brian loves lobsters

Brian and his family,
Christmas Eve 1973

Brian and his big sister,
Christmas 1973

Brian loves lobster

Brian, Karen, Renee Duquette in snow
Brian Duquette is King of the Hill
March 1, 1974 - newspaper article with Brian's photo - cosutme party at Terryville Library - Bristol Press Photo by Phyllis Springer

Renee, Karen and Brian Duquette, Terryville, CT, January 1974

Brian is King of the Hill,
January 1974

March 1, 1974 - newspaper article with Brian's photo - costume party at Terryville Library - Bristol Press Photo by Phyllis Springer

Easter 1974

Easter 1974


Brian turns 5 years old

Easter goodies, 1974

Easter 1974 -
Brian looks up to his big sister

Brian and Renee decorate
their birthday cake, 1974

Brian Lee Duquette - age 5
Brian Lee Duquette - age 5
Brian, his sister, and Aunt Lisa Duquette

Brian Duquette - age 5

Brian Duquette - age 5, 1974

Brian with his Aunt Lisa
and his sister Renee,
October 8, 1974

Guess who
Brian and Renee
Halloween 1974, Terryville CT
Now who can this be?
Did you guess right?
October, 1974, Terryville, CT
School play
school play 1974
Brian jumps in the pool 1975

Brian in a Christmas play at school, 1974

Brian jumps in our backyard pool 1975

Brian works in the garden 1975
South of The Border
Brian with a big smile, as usual
Brian works in the garden
Family Vacation to Florida in 1975
South of The Border
Circus World 1975
Circus World 1975
Kennedy Space Center
Family Vacation to Florida in 1975 - Circus World
Brian - a future astronaut maybe?

Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach

Silver Springs, Florida

Family Vacation to Florida in 1975 - Daytona Beach

Family Vacation to Florida in 1975 - Silver Springs

Brian - 1975 at Gatorland Zoo in Florida
Brian - 1975 at Gatorland Zoo in Florida
Brian gets ikissed by a bird at Disneyworld
Brian Duquette - 1975 at Gatorland Zoo in Florida
with a live turtle and a live snake.
Family Vacation to Florida in 1975
- Disney World
Brian playing guitar
Brian with fish at lake 1975
Brian getting his face painted

Brian and Danny Welch
in Bristol, CT

Brian fishing at the lake 1975

Brian getting his face painted
at the Terryville Library

Brian in a kindergarten play
Kindgarten certificate
1975 Brian gets ready for Halloween
June 17, 1975, Brian in a school play
June 17, 1975, Brian's Kindergarten Certificate
1975 Brian gets ready for Halloween
Brian is Captain America
Thanksgiving 1975
Christmas 1975

Brian is Captain America,
Halloween 1975

Thanksgiving 1975 and cousin Jill

  Christmas 1975,
Lee is Santa Claus on a real fire truck

Brian exercising 1976
Brian Duquette - 1976 - age 7
Easte r1976

Brian getting exercise

Brian Duquette - 1976

Easter 1976

Brian in a school play 1976
Brain watching a parade, 1976
Brian's birthday is only 2 days before
his sister Renee's birthday, so they always celebrated together. As young children, Renee's friends usually had a younger brother
who became Brian's friends,
so joint parties were so easy.
And Renee and Brian were always close.
Brian in a school play, 1976

Brian watching the bicentennial parade, 1976

Brian Duquette
Brian's birthday cake 1977
Brian's birthday clown

1976 - Brian turns 7, Renee 9, birthday party at Burger King

Brian caught an eel
Briah caught a fish 1976
Brian and his bird Joe

Brian caught an eel at his grandfather's lake

Brian caught a fish 1976

Brian and his bird Joe

Readomg certofocate
Award for reading
Brian and Renee in Vermont, 1976

First Place Winner -
Most Books Read - 2nd Grade, August 1976

2nd Place Winner -
Widest Variety of Books Read - 2nd Grade

Brian and Renee in Vermont 1976

Brian at Halloween 1976
Brian and Santa Claus 1976
Christmas 1976

Halloween 1976- does anyone recognize the wig from Brian's baby photos????

Brian and Santa Claus

 Christmas 1976,,
Lee is Santa Claus on a real fire truck

Brian Duquette's First Communion
Brian Duquette's First Communion
Fishing at the lake

Brian Duquette's First Communion - Immaculate Conception Church
- Terryville CT - May 1, 1977

June 19, 1977 fishing at the lake

Brian's 8th birthday, 1977
Brian's birthday friends
Brian's birthday

Brian's 8th birthday, 1977

Camp Wangum Newspaper Article
Camp Wangum cards
Camp Wangum cards

Brian Duquette's picture in the Newspaper at Camp Wangum and his participation cards

Brian and his cousin Tommy
Brian Duquette with his cousin Tommy
With his cousin Tommy,
August 1977
Terryville house
Moving day
Bye Bye CT Hello Tennessee

Bye Bye big beautiful house in Terryville, CT

August 1977 moved to Red Bank Tennessee, then to Ooltewah, Tennessee
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Brian Lee Duquette - age 8 - 1977

at Chattanooga Choo Choo August, 1977

Brian Duquette- December 1977
age 8-1/2

Christmas 1977
Brian jumping off the high dive
Lost Sea Caverns

Christmas 1977 - whose hand is
on Brian's head ?

Brian jumping off the high dive

April 1978

Brian and his family in Gatlinburg, TN
Carowinds, South Carolina
Carowinds, South Carolina

May 1978, in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Carowinds, South Carolina, 1978

Alabama Space Center
Alabama Space Center
1978 - Alabama Space Center

At Alabama Space Center

Opryland Tennessee
Brian on state at Opryland Theme Park
Brian - Opryland Theme Park -1978

Opryland May 1978

Brian - on stage at Opryland Theme Park, Nashville, Tennessee, May 1978

Brain and his family at Opryland
Brian in the doorway of our apartment in Red Bank
Brian's birthday cake 1978
Opryland May 1978
Brian in the doorway of our apartment
in Red Bank
Brian's birthday, 1978 - age 9
Brian's birthday games
Brian's brithday - BBQ
Brian's birthday mniature golf

Brian Lee Duquette's birthday, 1978 - age 9

Certificate of Recognition
Brian fishing and crabbing
Brian and his parents

Vacation Bible School
June 24, 1978

Brian fishing

Brian and his parents,

Halloween 1978Brian - Halloween 1978
Brian and his family
Brian and his family

Halloween 1978 - Tennessee -
in costume made by his mom

Brian Duquette and his parents, December 1978

Christmas 1978
Brian kisses his sister
Soccer certificate - the Kicks

Christmas 1978,
4115 East Freedom Circle,
Ooltewah, Tennessee

A surprise kiss to his sister

May 22, 1979 soccer certificate

Brian Duquette - 1979 - Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch
Brian Duquette - 1979 - Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch
Brian Duquette - 1979 - Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch
Brian Duquette and his mother - June 1979 - Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch in Tennessee
Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch
in Tennessee
Hayride at Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch
Brian and his first soccer team
Brian and his soccer team

A hay ride at Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch in Tennessee

Brian and his soccer team -
The Stars

Brian and his soccer team
- The Kicks

Library certificate
Brian and his mother
Brian and his bird Maria

library certificate for reading 30 books June 8, 1979

Brian and his mom

Brian and his bird Maria

brian - Cub Scout at Red Bank Tennessee
Brian making his Pine Wood Derby car
the Pine Wood Derby track

Brian - Cub Scout at Red Bank Tennessee apartment

Lee supervises Brian
making pine wood derby car

the Pine Wood Derby track

Pine Wood Derby award
Brain is the narrator at Cub Scouts Blue & Gold Banquet
Clown at Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet

Brian receives second place in the
Pine Wood Derby

Brian is the narrator at the
Cub Scout's Blue and Gold Banquet

Brian and the clown at the
Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet

Cub Scouts Arrow of Light Ceremony
Cub Scouts Arrow of Light Ceremony
Cub Scouts Arrow of Light Ceremony

Brian at his Cub Scouts Arrow of Light Ceremony - Karen as Den Mother, gives Brian award.

Arrow of Light AwardArrow of Light award
Brian Lee Duquette age 9 - 1978
Clingman's Dome with Aunt Hazel Brink

Brian earns the Arrow of Light Award - Highest award in the
Cub Scout Program

Brian Lee Duquette AGE 9-1/2

Clingman's Dome with Aunt Hazel Brink

Brian in a tree over a lake
Perfect Attendance Award
1978 in Tennessee

Brian in a tree at a lake - Renee and friends are the small dots in the water

Perfect Attendance Award from
Apison Elementary School,
June 8, 1979

Brian and his parents, 1978

Brian and Renee in Ooltewah kitchen
Brian and Renee
Tennessee House

Brian and Renee in the kitchen of the Ooltewah house

Our House in Ooltewah, Tennessee

Bye Bye Tennessee
June 1979- Summer 1981 Yacht Haven Trailer Park, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Brian - age 10 - 1979
Brian is Santa Claus in school play
February 1980, Brian with his dad and grandfather Duquette

Brian Duquette -
age 10 - 1979

Brian is Santa Claus in a school play, Christmas 1979

February 1980, Brian with his dad
and Grandfather Duquette

Raiders Team
Brian - a great soccer player
Brian Duquette with his soccer trophy

The Raiders Soccer Team

Brian - ready for action, April 1980

Brian with his soccer trophy -
The Raiders, April 1980

soccer certificate
Brian's mom gets a soccer plaque for being the soccer assistant
May 16, 1980, First Place Track & Fitness Award

Soccer Certificate, April 5, 1980

Brian's mom gets a soccer paper weight for serving as the official soccer mom

May 16, 1980, First Place
Track and Field Day Award

Brian gets another merit badge
Brian Lee Duquette - May 1980
Brian earns a Library Aide Certificate

May 1980, Merit Badge for Canoeing

Brian Lee Duquette - May 1980

Brian Duquette's certificate for working as a Library Aide at Edgewood Elementary School,
June 9, 1980

Brian Duquette has achieved the high standard of excellence in Scholarship
New River District Canoe Certificate for Brian Duquette
Brian's Physical Fitness Award

Brian has achieved the high standard of excellence in Scholarship at Edgewood Elementary School,
June 9, 1980

Brian Duquette receives
a canoe certificate

Physical Fitness Award
- June 1980

Brian with his grandparents, Violet & Everette Rasmussen
Brian with his grandparents dog, Lady
Brian eating crabs age 11

Brian with his grandparents,
Violet and Everette Rasmussen

Brian with his grandparents
dog, Lady

Brian and family eating crabs
that Brian caught

Brian's school photo 1980, age 11
Brian turns 11
Brian & Karen on All Our Money boat

Brian's school photo
1980, age 11

June 1980,
Brian turns 11 years old

Brian on a the White's boat,
summer 1980

Brian Duquette is certified as a Scout in South Florida
Brian Duquette earns a water ski badge
Brian Duquette - Halloween 1980

August 21, 1980,
Brian is certified as a Scout
in South Florida

August 21, 1980, Brian earns
his water skiing merit badge

Brian invents his own
Halloween costume 1980

Brian Duquette - Christmas 1980
Brian Duquette - Christmas 1980
Brian Duquette, 1981, age 12

Brian got a fabric soccer ball made by Karen plus some fishing gear - Christmas 1980

Brian - always a great smile!

Brian Duquette
Brian Duquette's birthday 1981 age 12
Brian Duquette's birthday 1981 age 12
Brian Duquette's birthday 1981 age 12 - Yacht Haven Trailer Park - balloon fight
Brian Duquette's birthday 1981 age 12
Brian Duquette at Yacht Haven Trailer Park
Yellow Jackets soccer team

cooking hot dogs

Brian at Yacht Haven Trailer Park

Brian's soccer tem "Yellow Jackets".
His dad is the coach.

Brian Duquette's YMCA soccer patch
Brian Duquette - a great soccer player
Raiders soccer team 1980-1981

YMCA Youth Soccer patch

Brian Duquette, ready for action
as always

1981 Raiders,
Coach George Robbins
and Sharon Farley

Soccer certificate for Brian Duquette
Yacht Haven Sign

Another Soccer Certificate for
Brian Duquette

Bye Bye Yacht Haven:
Brian Duquette and his family are off to live in Louisiana for one year

summer 1981 - summer 1982 - Brian, Renee, Lee and Karen lived in Sulphur Louisiana which is near the Texas border
Brian Duquette & his family at Louisiana state sign
Brian & Renee Duquette at Louisiana state sign
Brian Duquette with a large lobster

Brian and his family

WOW! What a large lobster

Brain Duquette and his grandparents at Texas border line
Brian Duquette and his sister Renee at the Texas borderline
Battleship Texas

Brian and his grandparents

Renee and Brian Duquette

The monument at Battleship Texas

Brian makes the Honor Roll
Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette

Brian's name goes in the newspaper for being on the honor roll - periods 2 through 6 with each period being SIX weeks each

Honor Roll Certificate for
Brian Duquette
for the 2nd set of 6 weeks

Honor Roll Certificate for
Brian Duquette
for the 3rd set of 6 weeks

Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette
Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette

Honor Roll Certificate for
Brian Duquette
for the 4th set of 6 weeks

Honor Roll Certificate for
Brian Duquette
for the 5th set of 6 weeks

Honor Roll Certificate for Brian Duquette
for the 6th set of 6 weeks

Brian Duquette and his Grandfather Rasmussen catch crabs
eating crabs Brian caught
Brian Duquette with his bird and the dog, Lady

Brian and his
Grandfather Rasmussen
catch crabs for dinner

Eating crabs Brian caught, 1981

Brian with his bird and his
grandparents dog, Lady

alligator in Louisiana
alligator in Louisiana
alligator in Louisiana

While driving, we saw an alligator and stopped to investigate. It had a fishing hook caught in his mouth and another passerby pulled it out of the alligator's mouth and the alligator then swam away. We stood on the bank to watch.

Hodges Garden in Louisiana
Hodges Garden in Louisiana
Hodges Garden in Louisiana

Brian at Hodges Garden in Louisiana, 1981

Astro World, Texas
Halloween 1981
Brian Duquette Christmas 1981

Brian and his mom at
Astro World in Texas

Brian invented his own
Halloween costume, 1981

Christmas 1981-
Brian looks surprised

summer 1982 - December 1983 - Twin Lakes Trailer Park, Florida
Twin Lakes Trailer Park sign
Brian Duquette and family
Brian and Karen Duquette at Disneyworld

Twin Lakes Travel Park,
Davie, Florida

Renee, Lee, Brian, and
Karen Duquette

Brian and his mom at Disneyworld

Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center
Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center
Broward Soil & Water Conservation District Poster Contest ribbons

Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center, 1982

Brian entered poster contests
- three years in a row -
not all ribbons shown here

twinBrian Duquette at Parrot Jungle
Brian Duquette at Parrot Jungle
Brian Duquette at Parrot Jungle

Brian Duquette, his sister Renee, and his Dad at Parrot Jungle

Brian is classified as gifted in school
Brian Duquette's birthday, 1982, age 13
Brian Duquette 1982, age 13

Brian's scores of aptitude/ intelligence qualifies him for the classification of gifted - April, 1982

Brian Duquette's birthday,
1982, age 13

Brian Duquette,
1982, age 13

Brian drives the boat
Brian water skis - date unknown - but it was while we lived at Twin LakesBrian water skis - date unknown
Brian water skis - oh oh the wake got him

Brian drove the boat while his dad
got ready to water ski

Brian water skis - dates unknown - but it was while we lived at Twin Lakes


Brian water skis - oh oh the wake got him
Brian tubes
Brian on the tube


Brian tries the tube -
water gets in his face

Brian - keeping low and steady

Brian on the tube
Brian on the tube
Brian on the tube

Balancing on a tube behind a speeding boat is NOT easy

OMG - Brian is flying

Brian on the tube - look at his face
Brian wipes out
Brian wipes out

OMG - Here comes the big one!!!!!!!!


Brian's First Aid Card
Brian Duquette's Science Fair Certificate of Award

October 15, 1982,
Basic First Aid Card

November 12, 1982 Science Fair Certificate of Award


1082 Christmas at the lake
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1982, age13-1/2
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1982, age13-1/2
Brian and 2 dogs
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1982, age13-1/2

Christmas 1982, at the lake

Brian Duquette with his Great-Grandmother Pietro
Brian participates in an Art Program for the Miami Herald
Certificate of Award for Brian Duquette
Brian, May 1983- with braces

February 1983 Student Art Program Participation

April 19, 1983 Certificate of Award

May 1983 -
Brian's big smile with braces

Brian's science project, May 1983
Third place trophy and ribbon for Science Fair


May 1983 - "What Affect Different Insecticides Have On Roaches"

Third place trophy and
ribbon for Science Fair

Brian and Karen Duquette
Brian in braces, 1983
Brian Duquette, Halloween 1983

Brian and his mom
at Universal Studios, 1983

Brian with braces, 1983

Halloween 1983,
Brian invents his own costume
as usual

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1983
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1983
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1983

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1983

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1983
Brian Duquette painting Burger King's window
Brain painting

Brian Duquette,
Christmas 1983

Look carefully, and you will see Brian painting Burger King's window. This photo was taken from the outside while Brian is painting from the inside.

Now you can see Brian
better from this view. He was chosen by his teacher to paint the windows
at Burger King

December 1983 - June 1985- Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Brian Duquette's birthday, 1984, age 15
Brian Duquette, age 15
Brian Lee Duquette age 15
Brian Duquette's birthday, 1984, age 15
Brian with braces
Brian lost in thought
Brian Duquette with his rabbit, Hazel
April 14, 1984 Brian at Liberty Bell

Brian lost in thought

Brian with his rabbit, Hazel

April 14, 1984 Brian at Liberty Bell

Old Saybrook CT

Brian Lee Duquette

Brian Lee Duquette

July 1984, Brian with his parents

Brian Lee Duquette, age 15

Christmas 1984
Christmas 1984
Christmas 1984

Christmas 1984 - Old Saybrook, Connecticut

Christmas 1984
A trip to Vermont, Brian in the snow
A trip to Vermont, Brian in the snow

Christmas 1984

A trip to Vermont, Brian in the snow

Fort McHenry
Fort McHenry
Renee, Lee, Karen, Brian Duquette

A trip to Fort McHenry

Renee, Lee, Karen, Brian Duquette

Old Saybrook house
Old Saybrook house

Brian in front of our house in Old Saybrook

Brian, Lee and Karen took a trip to London, Paris, Switzerland, and Lausanne
Brian in Lausanne
Brian in Lausanne
Brian in Europe

Brian in Lausanne

Lee & Brian in Geneve
Brian in Ouchy Park
Brian and his parents at the Eiffel Tower  in Paris France

Brian and his dad in Geneve

Brian-Ouchy Park with large chess set. Brian likes to play chess.

Brian and his parents at
the Eiffel Tower in Paris France

Ouchy Park
Brian and the Swiss Alps  

Brian, another tourist and
Lee in Ouchy Park

Brian with the Swiss Alps in background

June 1985 - 1989 Coral Springs, Florida
Brian Duquette age 16
Brian Duquette age 16
Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985

Brian Duquette age 16

Brian Duquette age 16

Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985

Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985
Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985
Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985

Lee and Brian Duquette, Thanksgiving 1985

add Brian Duquette on a horse, 1985
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1985
add Brian's birthday cake, 1986

Brian Duquette - 1985

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1985

Brian's birthday cake, 1986

add Brian's birthday 1986
Brian has a 4.0 or higher average ltr
Brian makes the honor roll again

Brian's birthday, 1986 - age 17

May 1, 1986 - Congratulations to Brian Duquette for earning a 4.0 or better grad point average in high school

Coral Springs High School Honor Roll Certificate
May 12, 1986

1986-Poster Contest Certificate for Brian
Brian and his dad, Christmas 1986
Brian and his family, Christmas 1986

1986-Poster Contest Certificate
for Brian

Brian and his dad,
Christmas 1986

Brian and his family,
Christmas 1986

Brian Lee Duquette, January 1987
Brian made a cardboard image of  himself
What a handsome man Brian is!

January 1987 -
check out all that curly hair !

Brian made a cardboard image
of himself

What a handsome man Brian is

Brian and his family April, 1987
Brian and his family April, 1987
Brian makes the honor roll again - Coral Springs High School

Brian and his family April, 1987

May 8, 1987-Brian makes honor roll again - NO surprise!

Brian gets a scholarship
Brian gets a scholarship
Brian's invitation to his high school graduation

Brian got a scholarship

Brian's graduation
Coral Springs High School

Brian graduates from Coral Springs High School
Brian's graduation Coral Springs High School
Brian's graduation Coral Springs High School

Brian Duquette's graduation Coral Springs High School

Brian's graduation Coral Springs High School
Brian's graduation cake
Coral Springs High School Diploma for Brian Duquette

Brian Duquette's graduation Coral Springs High School

Brian Duquette receives the Presidential Award

Brian Duquette receives a certificate signed by President Ronald Reagan for Outstanding Academic Achievement as part of The Presidential Academic Fitness Awards Program

Brian's 18th birthday, 1987
Brian's 18th birthday, 1987
Christmas 1987

Brian's 18th birthday, 1987

Christmas 1987

Christmas 1987
Brian's famous lobster dinner
Lobster dinner

Christmas 1987

As an adult, Brian wanted lobster for his birthday - 1988

birthday cake 1988
Halloween - Brian the ZipperHalloween - Brian the Zipper
Brian's birthday cake, 1989

Brian's birthday, 1988, age 19

As usual, Brian made his own Halloween costume.
This year he became a ZIPPER

Brian's birthday cake, 1989

Brian's birthday cake, 1989
Brian's birthday1989
Brian's birthday, 1989

Brian's birthday 1989 - age 20

Thanksgiving 1989
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1989
Brian and his family, Christmas 1989

Thanksgiving 1989

Brian Duquette
Christmas 1989

Brian and his family,
Christmas 1989

Brian and his car
Brian and his car
A very handsome Brian Duquette

Brian Duquette and his car - Cooper City, Florida, 1989

A very handsome Brian Duquette

Brian Duquette turns 21
Brain turns 21

1990- Brian - FAU

Brian Duquette turns 21-
He seems amused with the birthday song!

Brian Duquette Easter 1990
Brian Duquette playing badmitten, Easter 1990
Brian in the hot tub

Easter 1990, Brian playing badminton at a family picnic

Brian in the hot tub, November 1990

Brian sets up a cooling system for the hot tub
Lee & Brian with the turkey, Thanksgiving 1990
Thanksgiving 1990

Brian invents a cooling system for
the hot tub -

Lee and Brian with the turkey, Thanksgiving 1990

Thanksgiving 1990

Brian Duquette, November 1990Brian, November 1990
Brian, November 1990Brian, November 1990

1990, What a handsome man
Brian is!

Brian - Double our Pleasure!

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1990
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1990
Oh Boy, more clothes

Merry Christmas Everyone,
says Brian

I Love Christmas!

Great, I got clothes,
I love clothes!

Brian Duquette, Christmas 1990
Brian Duquette, Christmas 1990
Brian and his niece Kristen, May 1991

YES, more clothes!

I got clothes, what did you get?

Brian and his niece Kristen,
May 1991

Brian and his niece, Kristen 1991
Brian holding Kristen, 1991
May 10, 1992

Brian and his niece, Kristen December 1991

Brian trying to be the first
to get the food!

Always content
after a good meal!

Brian Duquette, January 1992
Brian Duquette graduates from FAU and gets his diploma
May 10, 1992

Brian Duquette,
January 1992

April 29, 1992 -
Brian graduates from college

Brian and his dad,
May 10, 1992

Brian turns 24
Brian and his niece Kristen
Brian, his Great-Aunt Hazel Brink, and his mom

Brian turns 24 years old,

Brian lets his niece
play in his cake

Brian, his Great-Aunt Hazel Brink, and his mom, 1993

A very handsome Brian Duquette, 1993
A closer look at that handsome dude
Brian and his sister, Christmas 1995

A very handsome
Brian Duquette, 1993

A closer look at
that handsome dude!

Brian and his sister,
Christmas 1995

Brian Duquette, December 9, 1996
Brian is in the newspaper

Brian Duquette,
December 9, 1996

Brian and co-workers in the Sun-Sentinel Newspaper trying out Microsoft's New Windows Program.

Brian Duquette, December 1997Brian Duquette, December 1997
Brian Duquette and his newphew Alex
Brian Christmas 1998

Brian Duquette,
December 1997

October 1998, Brian and his nephew, Alex

Christmas 1998

Brian and his mom
Brian and his niece Kristen, Christmas 1998
Brian Duquette feeding his face

Brian and his mother,
Christmas 1998

Brian and his niece Kristen, Christmas 1998

October 10, 1999 -
Brian feeding his face

Brian and his niece, Kristen
Brian Duquette, Easter 2000
Brian Duquette, October 2000

December 24, 1999 -
Brian and Kristen

Brian Duquette,
Easter 2000

Brian Duquette,
October 2000

Brian Duquette, Christmas 2000
Brian and his niece Kristen
Brian by the fireplace in his home

Brian Duquette,
Christmas 2000

Brian and his niece Kristen after her softball game, April 21, 2001

Brian, Christmas 2001
in his own home

Animal Kingdom Christmas 2001
Brian and his family, September 30, 2002
Brian Duquette, 2002

Brian treated everyone to a fun week-end at Animal Kingdom, Christmas 2001

Brian and his family,
September 30, 2002

A handsome, happy man,

Brian Lee Duquette
Brian Lee Duquette in a cowboy hat
Brian Duquette - always a big smile

Brian Duquette-
a successful business man

Brian Duquette- a fun loving person

Brian Duquette - always a big smile

Brian and his nephew alex, Christmas 2002
Brian Duquette
Brian and his nephew Alex, Christmas 2002
Brian Duquette - exact date of photos unknown
Brian and China
My glowing angel
Brian, 2004

Brian and his beloved chow,
China, 2002

Brian always had a special bright shining glow about him

Brian Lee Duquette, 2004 -
check out those white teeth

Brian Duquette
Brian and his beloved chow, China
Brian Duquette and his Aunt Ilse Blahak

Brian and his beloved chow,
China, 2005

Brian Duquette and his
Aunt Ilse Blahak, 2007

Brian January 2007
Brian in a hammock
Brian and Karen St. Augustine June 16, 2007

Brian Duquette,
January 20, 2007

a very relaxed Brian Duquette,
June 16, 2007

Brian and his mom in
St. Augustine, FL
June 16, 2007

Brian and Lee in St. Augustine, FL June 16, 2007
Brian at St. Augustine, FL June 16, 2007
Brian and Karen in St. Augustine, FL June 16, 2007

Brian and his dad in St. Augustine, FL June 16, 2007

Brian loves history and read everything posted

Brian and his mom at the beach
Brian and his dad on top of the RV
Brian and his dad on top of the RV

Brian and his mom play
in the ocean

Brian and his dad on top of our RV-checking if the tree branches on Brian's street scratched the top of the RV

Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center September 22, 2007
Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center September 22, 2007
Brian and his mom August 2007

Brian Duquette at Kennedy Space Center September 22, 2007

Brian and his mom -
August 2007

hugs to Brian

A quote from the book "There Is Greatness Within You, My Son" by Gary Morris a book that Brian's Mom once bought for Brian:

quote from book by Gary Morris
The following drawings are by Brian L. Duquette
drawing by Brian L. Duquette
Brian Duquette's drawing
Brian was so talented - He did several other drawings, but they are too big for me to scan and post here. They are all framed and hung in my motorhome (we live full-time in our RV). Brian also did some poetry.

We will always love and miss you, Brian. You have been a loving son, brother, and uncle, and just a great all-around person with a lot of friends. You deserved a much longer life because you were a good, honest, and happy person on the path of achieving your dreams of success. We are proud of the man you became and will always love and miss you.
Mom, Dad, Renee, Kristen, and Alex

Love to Brian
I cannot stop thinking of you and how you died in pain.
I wish I could have said goodbye and hug and kiss you one more time, or better yet, protect you as a mother should, and undo this terrible wrong. They say time heals all sorrow and will help us through this, the worst time of my life, and I know I will continue to live, but for now I just exist because I miss you so much. I read your writing on happiness at your service, and I know I will be happy again, but not today, not for a long, long time. What it means to lose you, words cannot express. You have been my loving son, a caring brother and uncle, and a good, generous man in life. So many people are better off for having known you, and none of them will ever forget you.

I know you knew Dad and I love you, and we know you loved us. We will love and miss you forever.
Until I see you in heaven…………..Love from your heartbroken Mom
hugs & kisses to Brian from Mom
Brian Duquette's afterglow message to all
importantEvery year on the second Sunday in December, churches around the world hold a world-wide candle lighting ceremony for deceased children. We, as parents of Brian Duquette, once again attended this ceremony at a local church. In churches, as well as in many homes, candles are lit at 7 p.m. local time (no matter where you are located). This means there are candles lit for a solid 24 hour period around the world. The two RV Gypsies request that anyone reading this could light a candle every year to honor any and all deceased children. Thank you.

A note to Brian - September 2010 - Although you are not here on earth to get to know him, you are now a Great-Uncle. Not only that but your Great-Nephew is named Anthony Brian in your honor.

September 2016 - My dear Brian, you just became a Great-Uncle once again, because Kristen has given Anthony a sister - Gabriella Lee. You were such a wonderful, caring, loving uncle to Kristen and Alex. It just isn't right that Anthony and Gabriella do not get the same privilege. You are missed by so many people.

2016 - This was the 9th year that the two RV Gypsies had to celebrate Christmas without their son, Brian Duquette. Each year, on the second Sunday in December, The Compassion Friends sponsor a Worldwide Candle Lighting Ceremony and the two RV Gypsies go to church to honor and remember their son Brian and bring home their yearly angel.

missing my son

The two RV Gypsies no longer go to Florida, because the rest of their family have moved out of Florida, So they have not found a church with this type of celebration since, but they still get an angel for Brian each year.

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