Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Hawksnest Zipline
Seven Devils, North Carolina
May 5, 2010
Plus Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain
The Zip Line course at Hawksnest claims to be the longest on the east coast with over 1.5 miles of cable riding and 10 different cables through the trees and over creeks (and even over snow tubers during the winter months). The Zip Line course is set in the middle of some of the best views in the High Country. Zip Line riding is an exciting and safe experience for the entire family. Children must be 5 years old to ride. The harness will accommodate a 40 inch waist with a maximum weight of 250 pounds. Please remember to wear shoes which strap to your feet and are good for walking in the woods. Hawksnest is also expanding their zipline, so the two RV Gypsies hope to return at a later date because they really enjoyed this zipline and the employees are very friendly.
sign - welcome to Hawksnest
Hawksnest building
Below: Views of the area as seen from the office building
views of the area from the office building
views of the area from the office building
Below: The two RV Gypsies in their harness and helmet ready to enjoy the zipline.
Karen Duquette ready to ride the zipline
Lee Duquette ready to ride the zipline
Below: Lee Duquette is ready to go
Below: Karen Duquette on the zipline
Lee Duquette
Karen Duquette on the zipline
Videos were taken - They can be seen by using the TOC button below and choosing Videos.
Below: The guide on the last cable which led to a narrow bridge that can barely be seen in this photo.
the last cable ride
Below: Karen Duquette halfway across the bridge, going around the tree, then ducking under the wire before continuing across the bridge.
Karen Duquete on the zipline swinging bridge
Karen Duquete on the zipline swinging bridge
Below: The two RV Gypsies at the end of their zipline adventure. They were very happy because it was a wonderful experience, and it will definetely not be there last zipline adventure.
the two RV Gypsies on the zipline swinging bridge
the two RV Gypsies on the zipline swinging bridge

Below: A Sign as the two RV Gypsies left the town of Seven Devils.

sign - Town of Seven Devils
clipart of a history bookIn the early 1960s, seven visionaries had a plan to develop this beautiful mountain. Taking the lead from Indian lore where wind blows like the devil, and recognizing its original seven developers, the name Seven Devils was born. You can still find Indian arrowheads at Seven Devils, traces of the history of this sacred space. Settled in the early 1700s by a few pioneering families who farmed Mast Mountain at the lower end of the mountain and raised cattle at the upper end known as Valley Creek. Seven Devils is surrounded by the great peaks of the Southern Appalachians and Blue Ridge Mountains, the Town of Seven Devils-- with elevations reaching 5,200 feet and situated in both Avery and Watauga Counties-- is in the midst of it all. Seven Devils is just a few minutes from Boone, Blowing Rock, Banner Elk, and Valle Cruces and Grandfather Mountain. Its small town atmosphere, combined with convenient location, is some of its appeal.
The two RV - May 4-6 2010 -
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Boone, North Carolina
Hawksnest Zipline (this page)
The City of Blowing Rock
Blowing Rock Mountain
Grandfather Mountain
Linville Falls
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