Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers at
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center
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Lewis & Clark sign

Karen Duquette at the Lewis & Clark sign

scenery view

The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center is built into a scenic bluff with spectacular views of the Missouri River. So the two RV Gypsies began this exploration at The Broadwater Overlook, on the right side of the building, which provided the two RV Gypsies with a great view of the Missouri River, and a small island full of birds.

Missouri River and island

Missouri River and island

Missouri River and island

time capsule

Montana registered land surveyor marker

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies walked down some stairs alongside the cliff and the building, then down a long pathway to get to the Cliff Trail.

Outside of the Interpretive Center

Below: Once down on the Cliff Trail, the two RV Gypsies stopped to read the four signs shown below. If you like history, click on each of the four signs so they will be BIG enough to read. If not interested in reading the signs, just continue on down this page.

Lewis and Clark map of falls

map of the plains and river

sign: feasts for men and beasts

sign: The river sculpture course

Below: The elevator that goes up and indoors to the Interpretive Center. The two RV Gypsies decided that they would use the elevator when it is time to go inside the Interpretive Center, rather than go back up the stairs they just came down.

big tall elevator

sign for Seaman the dog

Seaman the dog

bird on a rock

birds on a log

Below: Looking up at the top of the Interpretive Center from the Cliff trail.

looking up at the top of the Interpretive Center

looking up at the top of the Interpretive Center

Below: Then the two RV Gypsies heard loud voices and knew there were people at the top of the cliff.

the top of the cliff.

Below: Suddenly the two RV Gypsies saw a person trying to come down the side of the cliff.

person trying to climb down the cliff person trying to climb down the cliff

Below; Two more people emerged from the thicket. The first dude had his butt all covered with mud and he was laughing so hard, so Karen Duquette just had to take a photo.

The second dude was poking at his fingers as he was emerging, because he was trying to get the mud out of his fingernails.

a muddy butt dude getting the mud out of his fingernails.

Below: A few feet way, the two RV Gypsies came to a trail going up (or coming down) from the cliff. the sign said it is a 20% grade, cross slope of 5%, and trail width of 2-feet. No thanks! (But that would have been easier than where the dudes above came down from).

a 20% grade trail steep trail warning sign

Below: After reading the signs below, the two RV Gypsies were amazed as they watched birds feeding their babies that were inside holes in the cliffs. Karen Duquette photographed them, but they are hard to see in the photos.

sign about world famous traveler birds

sign about house sparrows

sign about cliff swallows

birds nesting in the cliff

birds nesting in the cliff

Below: All the white specks seen in the holes are baby birds. The parent birds kept flying into the holes to give them food.

birds nesting in the cliff

birds nesting in the cliff

birds nesting in the cliff

birds nesting in the cliff

sign about other birds and wildlife

Lee Duquette in Karen's cowgirl hat

bird in a tree

bird in a tree

bird in a tree

Below: Continuing down the Cliff Trail, the two RV Gypsies heard a small waterfall, but they could not get close enough to see more than an itsy-bitsy glimpse of it.

stream from a small waterfall stream from a small waterfall
Lee Duquette in the woods Lee Duquette in the woods

Below: The two RV Gypsies realized that they had walked far enough on the trail to come to Great Springs State Park, site of another historic landmark along the Lewis and Clark Trail. For more on the state park, see the menu below.

the Missouri River wildlife footprints in a sign
Menu for the two RV Gypsies Adventures in Montana
(sites 17 - 20 on the 2016 USA map)
May 22 - 31, 2016

You may visit these sites in any order you choose.
There is also a link to Alberta, Canada below.

green bullet travel photos and Billings Village RV Park - (site 17)

green bullet Billings Welcome Center

green bullet Chief Plenty Coups State Park

green bullet Trader Dave's Restaurant

green bullet Pictograph Cave State Park - two pages

green bullet Pompeys Pillar - two pages

green bullet Riverfront Park

green bullet Swords Rimrock Park - Scenic Park

green bullet Yellowstone Kelly

bar & barn divide bar

green bullet Conestoga Campground in White Sulphur Springs (site 18)

green bullet Natural Mineral Hot Springs in White Sulphur Springs

bar & barn divide bar

green bullet RV driving day and snow lingering alongside the road - (site 19)

green bullet Fort Benton, Montana- the birthplace of Montana

green bullet Veteran's Memorial Park

green bullet Upper Missouri River Breaks Interpretive National Monument

bar & barn divide bar

Below: Places in Great Falls Montana - (site # 20)

green bullet Great Falls, MT: paintings, bridges, statues, Pasta Montana

green bullet The Historical Depot Building

green bullet The Montana Veteran's Memorial

green bullet Lewis and Clark National Historic Interpretive Center (back to page 1)

green bullet Giant Springs State Park, springs, waterfall, long and short rivers

green bullet Rainbow, Crooked, and Black Eagle Falls plus Sacagawea Overlook

green bullet Gibson Park: statues and a Flower Garden

Look Below for more navigation

continue on to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies AFTER you have seen all of the above sections, please continue on to Alberta, Canada in June, 2016


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