The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers travels in 2023

Starting in 2022, the two RV Gypsies have been living in their RV in their daughter's yard in South Carolina when they are not on the road. So they took a lot of day trips in their tow car throughout the Carolinas and other short trips to nearby states. Unfortunately, their days of 9 month-long RV trips are over, due to lack of funding. But they travel in their RV as much as finances allow, and have done some RV trips in 2023, along with the car trips which are all posted here. Life is good either way.

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bullet The Carolinas (NC & SC) - a large multiple site of day trips in 2023 and a shorter RV trips.

bullet Virginia - one multiple site RV trip in July 2023 (including a 1-day trip into West Virginia)

bullet Tennessee trip - October 2 - 5, 2023

The two RV Gypsies only traveled in the 5 states shown above in 2023.

go to 2024 travels If you have seen all of the above 2023 sites, Continue on to say bye-bye to the year 2023 and Hello to the year 2024.

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photos/history Alaska from the two RV Gypsies
photos/history in Canada from the two RV Gypsies
TOC-Countries and Cruices
photos/history of continental USA by the two RV Gypsies
how Karen & Lee Duquette became two RV Gypsies
learn about Brian Lee Duquette
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Caampgrounds the two RV Gypsies stayed in
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Lighthouses the two RV Gypsies visited
Museums the two RV gypsies have visited
National Parks the two RV Gypsies visited
Oddities seen by the two RV gypsies
Restaurants the two RV Gypsies have visited
State Parks the two RV gypsies visited
Videos taken by the two RV Gypsies
Waterfalls the two RV gypsies have visited
Wildlifethe two RV gysies have seen