Lee and Karen Duquette
at Bahamas Ecoglide Adventures
Nassau, Bahamas
Fort tour and Local Bites tour - $99 per person
Office: 242.603.2982 - Mobile: 242.809.5601
(not sanctioned by the cruise ship_
February 9, 2024

Bahamas map showing  Nassau location

Nassau’s only Eco-glide Adventure provides what they call a one-of-a-kind experience. It was a bit different from all the other Segway tours that the two RV gypsies have taken, so Karen Duquette was a bit frustrated for awhile. But she soon figured out the difference between this and the regular Segways and enjoyed the ride along the spectacular blue waters and beaches that line Nassau’s harbor waterfront. Plus she learned about Nassau’s rich history at Fort Charlotte, even though she is not really interested in history.

Karen Duquette was unable to eat the food at Arawak Cay da “Fish Fry”.

There was only one other couple on the tour, plus the two tour guides who took some pictures. Lee Duquette took a few photos too.

Lee and Karen Duquette on Segways in the Bahamas the two RV Gypsies on Segways in the Bahamas

Karen Duquette on a Segway in the Bahamas

inside the fort in the Bahamas

a well in the Bahamas

the two RV gypsies in the Bahamas

Karen Duquette in the Bahamas

The two RV Gypsies with a painting in the Bahamas

By the ocean in the Bahamas

The two RV Gupsies on Segways in the Bahamas

The tour grouup and guide

The guide said he would take photos, but he did not take that many and Karen Duquette was very disappointed. But he was a nice, friendly guide. Luckily Lee Duquette took a few photos too. This was the 37th time the two RV Gypsies have taken a Segway tour, and the 3rd most boring one, even though the guide was nice.

NOTE: The shirts that the two RV Gypsies are wearing lists all of the Segway tours they have been on, except this one that will be added later. (The list continues on the back of the shirts).

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