Lee and Karen Duquette
ate at Tommy Condon's Irish Pub
160 Church Street
Charleston, SC 29401
call '843.577.3818 for hours

This is Charleston's only true Irish Pub and it has Live Music 7 days a week. Great Beer selection and good food. It offered dine-in, outdoor seating and in-store pickup, and of course a St. Patrick's Day celebration.

Lee Duquette at Tommy Condon's Irish Pub

Tommy Condon's Irish Pub menu

Tommy Condon's Irish Pub bar

Below: Tommy Condon's version of a Shepard's Pie
was unusual. Not what Karen Duquette expected.

Below: Lee Duquette loved the fish and chips

ommy Condon's version of a Shepard's Pie

fish and chips

Tommy Gordons sign

look below

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