The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed their 32nd Segway tour
this time in St. Louis, Missouri
May 27, 2022

If you wish to see the other Segway tours, click here and then scroll down to Segways. But be sure to return to the 2022 Missouri tour afterwards.

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This was one of the few times that the two RV Gypsies did NOT have a tour to themselves. So while the newbies were getting trained, the two RV Gypsies had time to free-wheel around the parking lot. That is a bonus the two RV Gypsies always enjoy.

Zero G Segway van
Karen Duquette on the Segway Korean monument
bench and memorial

Below: Karen Duquette got in a wee-bit of danger in front of the St. Louis Zoo, but she out-wheeled the Rhinolaughing dude

Karen Duquette got attacked by a Rhino Karen Duquette out-wheeled the Rhino

In 1904, when Forest Park hosted the World's Fair, the Grand Basin was the fair's heart and soul. Today, after getting its share of a $94 million renovation, the basin is once again the park's shining jewel. The restored basin is lined with classical promenades and eight fountains that propel water 30 feet high. No wonder it's the top spot in St. Louis for wedding pictures, picnics, and paddle boats from the nearby Boathouse. The area's also popular at night when the lit fountains and shining Art Museum draw crowds to sit on the steps, sip wine, and gaze out over the water.

Break time
pond and fountain and Karen Duquette pond and fountain

Below: Mike, the guide, was knowledgeable, friendly, and a good guide.

Mike, the guide

Below: The St. Louis Art Museum located at One Fine Arts Drive, Forest Park, St. Louis, Missouri. It is one of the nation’s leading comprehensive art museums with collections that include works of art of exceptional quality from virtually every culture and time period.

The St. Louis Art Museum

Below: Before the Gateway Arch went up in St. Louis in 1965, a bronze equestrian monument outside of the city's main art museum was arguably its most recognizable symbol. Installed in 1906, the Apotheosis of St. Louis depicts the city's namesake, Louis IX of France, riding astride an armored horse, his sword raised upside down to form a cross. In 2017, a coalition of activists stated a crusade to have it taken down because Louis IX persecuted Jews, presided over a notorious mass burning of the Talmud, issued an order of expulsion against his Jewish subjects and led two Crusader armies in unsuccessful offensives in North Africa. It still stands here in 2020.

GUESS WHAT !!!!! Removing statues does NOT change history.

The St. Louis Art Museum a bronze equestrian monument

Below: The two RV Gypsies on their Segways in front of a pond and The Jewel Box, an extraordinary greenhouse. Its 50-foot tall glass walls and art deco design wowed the 1930's architectural community. Today the structure is just one of two in Forest Park listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Inside, there is a virtual Garden of Eden. Hundreds of flowers and exotic plants surround a central fountain. Seasonal flower and plant shows mean there's always something new blooming.

The two RV Gypsies on their Segway
The two RV Gypsies on their Segwa
The two RV Gypsies on their Segway
The two RV Gypsies on their Segwa

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