The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Hamilton Gardens at Lake Chatuge
96 Pavilion Road (off Music Hall Road)
Hiawassee, GA 30546
May 5, 2021

USA map showing location of GeorgiaGeorgia map ahd Hiawassee  Location map

Quietly tucked away in the North Georgia mountains, Hamilton Gardens at Lake Chatuge is a 33 acre woodland botanical paradise with magnolias, azaleas, wild flowers, rhododendron, over 3,000 plants, art, and much more. Parking was free on this date, but there was a box for the entry fee and donations. The paths were easy walking. The parking lot was quite large. But to get there the two RV Gypsies had to drive through the Georgia Mountain Fair entryway (shown below). Phone 706.970.0011 for hours or further information.

Georgia Mountain Fair entryway
Welcome to Hamilton Gardens sign Hamilton Gardens entry
Main Trail map Entrance fee station and Mr. Rhodie

Mr. Rhodie Fee Station

The entry to Hamilton Gardens

Mr. Rhodie Fee Station The entry to the flowers at Hamilton Gardens
Lee Duquette at Hamilton Gardens
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Mantiss-sign praying mantise art

BELOW: OH NO! The Praying Mantis attacked Lee Duquette. All that was left was Lee's shadow.

The Praying Mantis is attacking Lee Duquette

weird shadow
Art - Mantisse
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The two RV Gypsies took a stroll along Lake Chatuge

Lake View Trail Lake View Trail sign
Lake Chatuge. Lake Chatuge
Lake Chatuge Lake Chatuge
Lake Chatuge Lake Chatuge

Now and then a few houses could be seen in the far distance.

house on Lake Chatuge house in the mountain
Lee Duquette at Lake Chatuge Lee Duquette at Lake Chatuge
The two RV Gypsies
flower divider bar

Below: A longer hiking trail that the two RV Gypsies did not choose to go on, and a big piece of a tree trunk, painted pink with a design.

Majestic Wilderness Trail sign pink rock with art

giant dragonfly sculpture

Below: Lee Duquette got attacked by a giant Dragonfly. No, Karen Duquette did not help him.! Ha! Ha!

Laughing critterLee Duquette attacked by a giant dragonfly

Below: The beautiful yellow flowers shown below were on the ground in several places, but no longer in bloom on anywhere in the garden.

yellow flowers azaelas
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Sculpture called Cathedral by Ron Salzer.

Sculpture called Jamie by Greg Quick

Sculpture called Cathedral by Ron Salzer. Sculpture called Jamie by Greg Quick
sign about the Waterwheel Waterwheel
Waterwheel Waterwheel
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The Daffodile Project monument
The Daffodile Project
hanging flower basket water fountain statue
plant tiered water fountain

Below: Karen Duquette was being watched by Eyeballs, small and big - everywhere!ha ha

a metal eyeball octopus Lee Duquette and an extra eyeball
a face in the tree
art and a face in the tree painted bottle garden
Towns County Park sign bush
flower divider bar

Below: Flowers -- Unfortunately, this was the day after torrential rain and winds came through the area, and many of the flowers were no longer in the best of shape. However, despite this, the two RV Gypsies enjoyed the flowers in the gardens.

flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens Karen Duquette in Hamilton Gardens
Karen Duquette in Hamilton Gardens Karen Duquette in Hamilton Gardens
Lee Duquette in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
panorama at Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flowers
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flower flower
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens
flower in Hamilton Gardens flowers in Hamilton Gardens
flowers in Hamilton Gardens flower in Hamilton Gardens

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