The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at The Georgia-Tennessee state divider line
and stood in both states at the same time.
May 5, 2021

USA map showing location of Georgia
USA map showing location of TN
GA-TN state diviver line map
McCaysville Georgia sign flower

laughing clipart dudeBelow: Lee Duquette got BIT by a dog. Weird things happen to him a lot.

Lee Duquette got bit by a dog downtown display

Below; The two RV Gypsies stood in both Georgia and Tennessee at the same time in several different spots.

Lee Duquette standing in Georgia and Tennessee at the same time Karen Duquette standing i nGeorgia and Tennessee at the same time
Karen Duquette standing i nGeorgia and Tennessee at the same time
The two RV Gypsies in GA and TN at the same time Karen Duquette standing in Georgia and Tennessee at the same time
TN-GA state divider line TN-GA state divider line

Below; The blue state divider line went right through the middle of a store.

Lee Duquette on the TN-GA state divider line TN-GA state divider line

So of course, the two RV Gypsies had to go inside the store and pose at the state divider line as well. Karen Duquette did not want to stand directly in front of Lee, so she sat down. The storekeeper who took the photo said the blue line could still be seen if Karen sat on it, but in reality, the blue line is hard to see in the photo, so Karen took another picture of the area. Karen also commented that the USA flag was hanging backwards.

The two RV Gypsies on the TN-GA state divider line the GA-TN state divider line

Below: Just outside of the store shown above was the steel bridge that shows where Toccoa River in Georgia becomes the Ocoee River in Tennessee. (not to be confused with the Oconee river)

GA-TN state line bridge GA-TN state line bridge and Lee Duquette

The Toccoa River and Ocoee River are the names used for a single 93-mile-long river that flows northeastward through the southern Appalachian Mountains of the southeastern United States. It is a tributary of the Hiwassee River which it joins in Polk Country Tennessee, near the town of Benton. Three power generating dams are operation along it.

Below: Views from each side of the bridge

The Toccoa River and Burra Burra restaurant
in McCaysville GA

The Ocoee River in Copperhill, TN

Toccoa River and Burra Burra restaurant
The Ocoee River in Copperhill TN

Below: A memory plaque for the Space Shuttle Challenger, by the bridge shown above.

memory plaque for the Space Shuttle Challenger

Below: A Goose and some Ducks by the bridge

goose ducks

After crossing the bridge, the two RV Gypsies saw a totem pole (with a broken wing) by the Burra Burra Restaurant.

Conteaskee Totem Pole plaque
Conteaskee Totem Pole

Below: Standing by the Burra Burra restaurant and the Conteaskee Totem Pole, Karen Duquette took a picture of the steel bridge that divides the USA States of Tennessee and Georgia, so now she has photographed the bridge from both sides.

The steel bridge

Across the street from the Burra Burra Restaurant, on the Tennessee side of the river, there was an anti-Biden sign. Posting it here is not saying that the two RV Gypsies agree or disagree with the sign. They had nothing to do with it, but Karen Duquette photographs everything she can whether she likes the item or not.

anti-Biden sign

The two RV Gypsies decided to check out a local store just because it was nearby and advertised a free gift. The sign did NOT say a purchase must be made in order to get the free gift. The store was just down the street and around the corner to the right of the Burra Burra Restaurant. But the sign itself was actually in the center of McCaysville, Georgia.

free gift sign

The two RV Gypsies found a unique gift here for their great-granddaughter. (which her great-granddaughter never really liked). AFTER paying for the purchase, Karen Duquette had to ask the lady at the counter about the free gift that was advertised. She looked surprised, and quickly grabbed a pen to hand to Karen. Karen said, "A Pen???" So the lady handed her a very small candle, which Karen accepted. She would not have offered any free gift, if Karen had not asked, even though signs in town advertise a free gift, as shown in the photo above.

Chooch store Big Foot at Chooch store
train on the building Chooch store

This reminded the two RV Gypsies of when they stood in four (4) USA states at the same time: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah - known as The Four Corners. To see those photos use this link, but be sure to return here to continue with the 2021 travels. (Note: There will be a link at the bottom of that page to get you back to the top of this page).

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