Lee and Karen Duquette, The two RV Gypsies
and the Hocking Hills Segway tour
at Hocking Hills Canopy Tours site
10714 Jackson Street
Rockbridge, Ohio 43149
July 13, 2020

USA map showing location of OhioMap of Ohio showing location of Roickbridge

Below: Photos taken somewhere on the way to Hocking Hills - a Black Cat water tower

black cat water tower black cat water tower

Below: Driving through Lancaster, Ohio - Main Street was lined with flags and the photos of Hometown Heroes. Karen Duquette was only able to photograph two of the many flags as Lee Duquette drove the RV past them.

Hometown Hero flag Hometown Hero fla

Below: Sign in the middle of the

Below: Hocking Hills Canopy
and Segway tours entrance

welcome to Hocking Hills Hocking Hills banner

Below: Despite this nice banner, this place is more about ziplining than Segway tours.

Off-Road Segway Adventure sign
Segways and a big hill Karen Duquette on the Segway

Below: This is a very steep hill. The last Segway photos on this page shows Lee Duquette going down this hill at the end of the tour. NOTHING about this tour was comfortable, even though this was the 24th time that the two RV Gypsies have taken a Segway tour. They will not recommend this tour, nor ever take this tour again.

Karen Duquette near the big hill Karen Duquette near the big hill

Kyle, the guide, took photos of the two RV Gypsies together on their Segways, and said they would be e-mailed to the two RV Gypsies, but despite Karen e-mailing the Segway company about six times, those photos were NEVER RECEIVED. That is another reason, the two RV Gypsies would NEVER recommend this tour. But Karen and Lee managed to take a few photos of each other, now and then. And a few times, Kyle used Lee Duquette's phone to take a photo of them.

Lee Duquette on his off-road Segway adventure Lee Duquette on his off-road Segway adventure

Below: Kyle told the two RV Gypsies to exit their Segway, walk down some stairs and watch the zipliners go through the valley to land on a rock under the cliff. So Karen took a few photos. Segways are a very small part of this place as it is mostly for ziplining. They really were NOT interested in seeing the zipliners.

stairs down to a cliff stairs down to a cliff
Lee Duquette
Zip Line in the woods a person on the zip line

Below: The rock ledge under the cliff where the zipliner must stop or crash into the cliff. Then of course, the zipliners zip back to where they came from.

the end of the zip line tour the end of the zip line tou
Lee Duquette and the tour guide Lee Duquette and the tour guid
Karen Duquette the cliff

Below: Now that Kyle is finally through talking about the zip line tour, it was time for the two RV Gypsies to climb back up the stairs and resume the Segway tour.

stairs up to resume the Segway tour
Lee Duquette on the Segway s rough hill upwards

Below: Karen Duquette in her t-shirt that lists the Segways tours they have taken so far. More are listed on the back of the shirt.

The tour RV Gypsies on Segway tour Karen Duquette in her Segway tour shirt

Below: Lee Duquette going down the big, steep hill to end the Segway tour. This hill was a lot steeper than it looks in the photo. It is the same hill shown in the first few Segway photos on this page which were taken from the bottom of the hill. It was NOT FUN.

Lee Duquette on the Segwa Lee Duquette going down the hig hill on Segway

This tour was to be a 2-hour tour, but in reality, the time spent was 20 minutes short of that time (which included time spent off the Segways at the zip line cliff). This was the 24th time that the two RV Gypsies have ridden Segways, but the first and last time that they will do an off-road trip. The hills were steep, bumpy, dirty, and full of small holes that caused the Segway to wobble and be scary. Cost on this date was $69 a person.

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