Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
went to Hocking State Forest
and hiked to The Rock House
in Hocking Hills State Park
July 14, 2020

USA map showing location of Ohio

There are seven major hiking areas in Hocking Hills State Park - Ash Cave, Old Man's Cave, Rock House, Conkles Hollow, Cedar Falls, Cantwell Cliffs, and Hemlock Bridge Trail leading to Whispering Cave. Each of these park areas offers a unique experience for those who walk its paths no matter what season (the park is open year around from dawn to dusk). Located in the southern edge of Hocking County. All trails are open dawn to dusk all year long. Hikers must remain on designated trails. There is no swimming or walking in the waterfalls or creeks. Dogs must remain on a leash at all times (no pets allowed in Conkle's Hollow, a nature preserve).

Map showing where The Rock House is located Hocking State Forest sign

First, Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies, went to The Rock House.

Welcome To The Rock House sign The Rock House trail entrance
warning sign about dangerous cliffs
trail entrance sign Timber Management sign
The History of Rock House sign sign - Ice Age Remnants of Rock House
trail to The Rock House trail to The Rock House
Lee Duquette on trail to The Rock House a big cliff
trail to The Rock House trail to The Rock House

Below: Lee Duquette was really interested in the way the tree was growing at a curved angle out of the cliffs.

tree in a cliff
Lee Duquette on trail to The Rock House Lee Duquette on trail to The Rock House
Lee Duquette on trail to The Rock House

Below: At last: Lee and Karen Duquette got their first look at the opening to The Rock House.

The opening to The Rock House The opening to The Rock House

Below:  Karen Duquette inside The Rock House

Karen Duquette inside The Rock House Karen Duquette inside The Rock House
Looking out of The Rock House Looking out of The Rock House
Lee Duquette inside The Rock House

Below: Back outside of The Rock House, the Two RV Gypsies continued their hike.

outside of The Rock House downed trees along the trail
the trail

Below: After leaving The Rock House, the Two RV Gypsies drove to Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserve which is also in Hocking State Forest but when the saw that it was a rugged, rocky gorge, considered one of the deepest in Ohio they decided to go elsewhere. The upper trail is not recommended for children. Hiking can be hazardous. Horsehead Cave on the lower rim has a unique legend tied to it. It is said Native Indians hid treasure nearby, a cache of silver stolen from settlers. The ghosts of the Native Indians are said to guard the cave!

Conkles Hollo Sign

Below: The the two RV Gypsies went on to Cantwell Cliffs which is also in Hocking Hills State Forest. They did hike a bit of the trails, but like other people they met, they soon returned to their car.

Cantwell Cliffs is known for its deep valleys, high cliffs, and rock shelter. Visitors can either hike the rim trail or follow the narrow passageway along the valley floor. One of the most unique features in the area is "The Squeeze" a narrow passage visitors may access to reach the bottom of the gorge. It is located down the long set of rock steps and to the right before entering the cave.

The trail is only about a 1/2 mile but it may take about 40 minutes to hike because it is difficult.

Cantwell Cliffs sign cliff warning sign

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