Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
at Putnam Hill Park
on Grandview Avenue
In Zanesville, Ohio 43701
July 11, 2020
USA map showing location of Ohiolocation of Zanesville

Putnam Hill Park offered The Two RV Gypsies a view of the famous Y-Bridge. The Overlook features basketball hoops, picnic tables, and a play area. Located on Grandview Avenue off Pine Street, just south of West Main Street.

Putnam Hill Park plaque

Putnam Hill Park sign

Below: Views of Zanesville from Putnam Hill Park overlook

view of Zanesville from Putnam Hill Park overlook view of Zanesville from Putnam Hill Park overlook
view of Zanesville from Putnam Hill Park overlook view of Zanesville from Putnam Hill Park overlook

Below: Views of the Y-Bridge from Putnam Hill Park overlook

view of the Y-bridge from Putnam Hill Park overlook view of the Y-bridge from Putnam Hill Park overlook

Below: From Putnam Hill Park overlook, Lee Duquette could see spots in the water under the Y-Bridge. Karen Duquette zoomed in to photograph the birds and ducks. Then later, they went to The Historic #10 Locks at Canal Park and got better views of the birds and the ducks.

a bird and ducks under the Y-bridge fenced view of Zanesville

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