Lee and Karen Duquette, The two RV Gypsies
drove their toad to the Sculpture Gallery
in Zanesville, Ohio
July 12, 2020
USA map showing location of Ohiolocation of Zanesville

history Unfortunately, the Sculpture Gallery was closed on this date, so Lee Duquette had to drive past the gallery. There was no way to stop at this point. But Karen Duquette opened the car window and took some photos of the amazing sculptures that lined the street beside the gallery.

Sculpture Gallery sign front door of the Sculpture Gallery
sculpture ooutside the Sculpture Gallery cowboy on bucking horse sculpture
two warrior statues
sheep sheep and penguin
donkey bear attacking a sheep
parade leader Eagle head sculpture and warrior
man reading a book sculpture Miller Pottery sculpture
fireman sculpture man on bench
golfer man and book sculpture
MMarine two sculptures
horse statue horse statue
white poodle dog statue

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go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesContinue on to the WWII / Korean Memorial, plus the Fallen Guardian Memorials, and downtown Zanesville.


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