Lee and Karen Duquette, The Two RV Gypsies
spent time with family in Tennessee
July 2 - 6, 2020

TN map showing location of Brighton

The first time the two RV Gypsies visited Lee Duquette's nephew's farm in 2017, there were goats, horses, cows and just a lot of family fun. Plus Karen and Gabby Duquette put on bee suites and opened the bee hives so Karen could learn about the bees. If you click on any of these underlined sites, be sure to return here.

In 2018, the two RV Gypsies learned how the honey was extracted from the bee hives and made usable

In 2020, the two RV Gypsies returned to the farm and were surprised by how much Seth has grown. A big party was held and there were a lot of people around, and unfortunately, Karen Duquette did not take any pictures of people or the party. It is hard for Karen to enjoy the 4th of July (because of losing her son Brian Duquette), even when around family and friends.

pigs pigs
a pig roosters
roosters Lou Duquette
rooster mud hole
rooster rooster
roosters rooster
roosters rooster

Below: Gabby Duquette's Aunt Teresa collected some vegetables from the fields.


The next time the two RV Gypsies' visit the farm, they will take some family photos.

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Travel through Missouri and Illinois - the campground in Marion, Illinois - July 7, 2020 - then on to Indiana and Ohio and back to Tennessee.


go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Stay in Tennessee and visit - Pigeon Forge TOC - Zorbing, indoor snow tubing, alpine slide, ski lifts and more - August 23, 2020


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