Lee and Karen Duquette
at Lake Wylie Dam
New Gray Rock Road
Fort Mill, SC 29708
May 2, 2020

Fort Mill, also known as Fort Mill Township, is a town in York County in the U.S. state of South Carolina. It is located south of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina and north of Rock Hill. Elevation: 633'. Fort Mill has a total of 696 square miles, of which 15 square miles is water.

USA map showing location of SCSC map showing location of York County

historyThe Lake Wylie dam in Fort Mill was built in 1904 to impound the Catawba River and form Lake Catawba. The lake was used by the Catawba Power Company to produce hydro-electric power. The Catawba Power Company became the Southern Power Company in 1905, which later merged with Duke Power Company. In 1924 the lake was expanded and the dam rebuilt. The lake was renamed in 1960 for Dr. W. Gill Wylie, founder of the Catawba Power Company. Duke Power Company manages Lake Wylie and its dam today.

warning sign at Lake Wylie Dam Lake Wylie Dam

Below: A few people were kayaking in the lake and fishing from the piers.

Lake Wylie Lake Wylie
still-life photography a big bird flying overhead
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