Lee and Karen Duquette
in Fort Mill, South Carolina
January 2020

Below: Happy Birthday to Karen Duquette:
Flowers and balloon from Lee Duquette and cards from family and friends. USA Navy wooden Wave from Renee to Karen.
The crocheted basket was made by Karen and then starched so it would be stiff.

birthday balloon and flowers
USA Navy wooden Wave

Below: Karen Duquette in her face mask

Karen Duquette in her face mask

Below: Fort Mill, SC sign on a light pole

Below: A statue in Fort Mill, SC

Fort Mill SC sign on a light pole statue in Fort Mill SC

The Guest house

wild rabbit

Guest house wild rabbit

Below: wild rabbits

wild rabbit wild rabbit

Below: March 19, 2020 - the night sky in Fort Mill, SC

the night sky in Fort Mill, SC the night sky in Fort Mill, SC
the night sky in Fort Mill, SC

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on to snow in February in Fort Mill, SC


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