The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
enjoyed a rare snow storm in Fort Mill, SC
February 18, 2020

Below: The two RV Gypsies have been told that it does not usually snow often in Fort Mill, South Carolina, and if it does, it would be a light snow that melts the same day, or at least by the next day. So Lee and Karen Duquette enjoyed this light dusting of snow, although Karen would have liked a bit more snow. Their RV is parked in their families' yard.

the two RV Gypsies RV and Car
light snow falling on the RV light snow falling on the RV

Below: Snow on the two RV Gypsies' car

light snow falling on the car snow and ice chunks on the car

Below: Snow falling near the fence.

Snow falling near the fence. Snow falling near the fence.
Snow falling near the fence.

Below: Snow on a green porch cover

Snow on a green porch cover

Below: Snow falling by a tree in the back yard

Below: The cover of the hot tub coated
with a thin layer of snow

Snow falling by a tree in the back yard snow on th hot tub

Below: Snow on top of the swing set

Snow on top of the swing set

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