Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
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The two RV Gypsies (plus one) went to
Mount Rainier National Park
but first they wanted to show Ilse a sculpture park, Spirits of Iron.
June 29, 2015 & July 18, 2013

The Recycled Spirits of Iron Sculpture Park is located along State Route 706 on the way to Mt. Rainier National Park, 3 miles east of Elbe, Washington. The two RV Gypsies highly recommend everyone stop at this sculpture park on their way to Mt. Rainier. (It closes in October for the winter.) This park has been featured in the Disney movie "America's Heart & Soul" & "Recycled Spirits of Iron" on You Tube - sponsored by Mt. Rainier Visitor Association. The two RV Gypsies visited here on July 18, 2013 and again on June 29, 2015 with Karen's sister, Ilse. This page is a combination of those days

Karen Duquette by a giant scary man sculpture
Karen Duquette is scared by this giant female monster sculpture
put 1663 here and 1689
dog and newspaper sculpture
another big scary monster sculpture
  close-up of horseshoes in the horse sculpture

The fabulous metal horse sculpture below has its butt made out of horseshoes - see the close-up photo of the horseshoe butt in the photo to the right of the below horse. It is amazing the items used to make these fabulous sculptures. Dan Klennert surely is an amazing artist/sculptor with a great imagination.

a fantastic horse sculpture
put 1672 here
Lee Duquette by a big wheel
horse sculpture made of wood
horse sculpture with a saddle
horse sculpture with a saddle
put 1675 here

Lee Duquette by a giant bird
sculpture with hatched eggs


Lee Duquette by a giant bird sculpture with hatched eggs
put 1681 here
Mount Rainier is in the background of this photo put 1678 here
horse made of wood
a broken down motor bike sculpture
Lee Duquette by a giant giraffe sculpture
bird with a fish sculpture
a giant bird sculpture
a train sculpture
add 1667 here and 1668 and 1684

Ex-nihilo (X-Ne-High-Low) Latin for "Something made out of nothing"

a man sculpture
seahorse sculpture put 1682 here
metal sculpture
horse's head made of horseshoes
a giant rabbit sculpture
Lee Duquette and a giant rabbit sculpture

Walking beside the work shed, the two RV Gypsies see a small RV - and just look what is in the window of that RV. How Cute!

cat in an RV window saying the dog did it

A peek inside the work shed- this one is now outside in 2015

A peek inside the work shed
a horse in the wood shed

Now the two RV Gypsies go into the backyard and find lots more interesting sculptures.

gate to the back yard work area

A 4-piece band

4-piece band
4-piece band
guitar playing band member
another band member sculpture
tuba player sculpture
horn player sculpture

The R- Rated section

sign: The R-Rated section
put 1694 here
man in the The R-Rated section
woman in the The R-Rated section
man and woman in the The R-Rated section
put 1695
metal train sculpture
fish made of wood
side view of the train
Lee Duquette and an elk
giant bicycle sculpture
horse and baby
horse and baby
big face put 1690 here
big face

Inside the gift shop

Inside the gift shop
bird Inside the gift shop
face Inside the gift shop
about Dan Klennert

The talented, imaginative artist, Dan Klennert, and his gal were sitting on the porch outside the gift shop. The two RV Gypsies stopped to talk to him and learned that he has been doing this creative work for 41 years. He was intelligent, friendly, and fun to talk with.  Read the photo above for more details about this amazing artist.

go back to the Washington menu Please return to the main menu for the state of Washington to view other areas the two RV Gypsies visited in Washington in 2015, plus a link to their adventures in Canada.