The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked at Anne Springs Close Greenway
and Lake Haigler
1604 Highway 21 Bypass entrance
Fort Mill, SC 29715
December 17, 2018

sign about Nation Ford Road

Karen Duquette on the swinging bridge

swinging bridge at Anne Springs Greenway

Below: View from each side of the swinging bridge

view from the swinging bridge view from the swinging bridge

Lee Duquette on the swinging bridge

swinging bridge at Anne Springs Greenway

Below: As the two RV Gypsies were hiking, a horse and rider passed them on the trail.

horse and rider on the hiking trail

horse and rider on the hiking trail

Below: Approaching Lake Haigler and the waterfall

Lake Haigler

Below: Upside down reflection

Lee Duquette on the bridge
below the waterfall

Upside down reflection

Lee Duquette

Below: Located on the 1.5 loop called Lake Haigler Trail, these lush falls are fed by a dam.

waterfall at Anne Springs Greenway

waterfall at Anne Springs Greenway

waterfall at Anne Springs Greenway

Anne Springs Greenway

the two RV Gypsies at Anne Springs Greenway
the two RV Gypsies at Anne Springs Greenway waterfall the two RV Gypsies at Anne Springs Greenway waterfall

The two RV Gypsies hiked Billy's Walk. A very long, tall vine hanging from a tree brought out the child in Lee Duquette.

Lee Duquette and a long vine

Lee Duquette and a long vine

Lee Duquette and a long vine

Below: The two RV Gypsies stood on a bridge at the top of the waterfall.

at the top of the waterfall

at the top of the waterfall

Below: Views of Lake Haigler near the Lake Haigler Spillway. The lake is stocked with bass and catfish, as are the Greenway lakes and other lakes - Crandall, Frances, Katherine, and Stumpy Pond. But go to the bottom of this page for the many other links to different sections of the Greenway.

Lake Haigler

Lake Haigler

Lake Haigler
Lake Haigler Lake Haigler
Lake Haigler Lake Haigler

sign at Scoville Dock

Scoville Dock

Scoville Dock informational sign

Karen Duquette on Scoville Dock

Scoville Dock Scoville Dock

Below: After hiking the loop, the two RV Gypsies came to Haigler Lake at the Scoville Dock area. This is the better area for photographing the lake.

scenery by Scoville Dock Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

Lake Haigler

Lake Haigler at Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

near Scoville Dock

ducks on Lake Haigler ducks on Lake Haigler
ducks on Lake Haigler Lee Duquette near Scoville Dock

Below: The moon and an airplane in the sky.

The moon and an airplane passing by

The moon and an airplane passing by

Below: Looking down from the dock into the lake at the reflection of the trees and the moon.

moon reflection in Lake Haigler

moon reflection in Lake Haigler

Karen Duquette at Lake Haigler Karen Duquette at Lake Haigler
Lake Haigler

Below: The sun began to set behind the trees and left a reflection in Lake Haigler.

sun reflections on Lake Haigler sun reflections on Lake Haigler
sun reflections on Lake Haigler

Below: A jet left a white trail in the sky and a jagged reflection in the lake.

white trail in the sky and a jagged reflection in lake jagged reflection in the lake.
the two RV Gypsies at Lake Haigler
look below

This is not a linear site, so please choose from one of the links below for further navigation:

Here are links to 6 other parts of Anne Springs Close Greenway in 2019 and in 2020, The Railroad Trestle, or Stumpy Pond, or Adventure Road Entrance, or the Hwy 21 Bypass Entrance, or a hike around Lake Haigler, or the Dairy Barn Entrance


If you came here from the 2018 menu, Continue on to a hike at Crowders Mountain in North Carolina in 2018

OR If you came here from the 2020, Carolina menu, return there now.


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