The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
and family hiked to Hickory Nut Falls
August 5, 2018

check it our Before viewing this page, it would be beneficial to check out the two RV Gypsies page at Hickory Nut Falls in 2010. There is information posted there about the falls that is not repeated here. Photos are different on each page. There is also a link there to take visitors back to this page to continue to 2018 trip.

sign: Hickory Nut Falls Trail

stairs leading down to the trail stairs leading down to the trail

the great-grandson of the two RV Gypsies

sign about Hickory Nut Falls

Hickory Nut Falls

The two RV Gypsies hate to admit this, but they both found the hike to the falls much more difficult than it was in 2010 when they did the hike quite easily, even after climbing a lot more stairs than they did on this date.

Hickory Nut Falls

Hickory Nut Falls

Below: Karen Duquette really wanted to go down to the waterfall because she was tired and hot, but knew she would not be able to get back up the giant rock shown below. Only John and Anthony (and a bunch of strangers) made it down to the falls.

Anthony and John

John and Anthony at Hickory Nut Falls

John and Anthony at Hickory Nut Falls

John at Hickory Nut Falls

John and Anthony at Hickory Nut Falls

John at Hickory Nut Falls

John Smythers

the family of the two RV Gypsies

John and Anthony

John and Anthony

John and Anthony and Alex

John and Anthony and Alex

John and Anthony and Alex

After leaving Hickory Nut Falls, the two RV Gypsies and family drove their cars into Chimney Rock Village and ate at The Old Rock Cafe. Then they took a brief walk behind the cafe to view the river.

welcome to Chimney Rock Village sign

river behind the Old Rock Cafe

river behind the Old Rock Cafe

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