The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge
10216 Lee Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473
March 25, 2018

This was the third visit to this area. Links to the other two visits are at the bottom of this page. Each visit was unique.

USA map showing location of Florida

Florida map showing location of Loxahatchee
sign about Amphibians and reptiles

Only three alligators were seen on this visit.

alligator 1

alligator 2

alligator 3

Several little birds were squawking like crazy as they chased a much bigger bird away from their nest. It was fun to watch.

two birds little bird chasing big bird

little birds chasing a big bird


sign about birds and other wildlife

bird in the top of a tree

bird swimming

bird in the swamp

Egret flying

bird taking off


bird in the marsh

two birds 'butterfly

Below: Several turtles were seen, but they were hard to photograph. Lots of frogs where heard, but not seen.

turtle turtle

Below: Besides alligators, birds and turtles, the marsh scenery was beautiful.

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Below: Karen Duquette likes to photograph dead or "naked" trees as she calls them. Karen also liked the way the shadow of the tree below outlined itself in the green goo.

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery

Loxahatchee scenery Loxahatchee scenery
Lee Duquette

This is not a linear site and visitors always have several choices of what to view next. And since this was not the first time that the two RV Gypsies have been to Loxahatchee, there are links to the other two Visits below. Each visit provided a different experience and photos. The main navigational links are also below.

go back to the Florida 2018 menu Visit Loxahatchee in 2012, plus a real BIG alligator and more, click here.
There will be a link back to this page.


go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies Continue on in the order of travel - Tina Turner impersonator - an outdoor concert in Palm Beach, Florida.

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