The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Broward County, Florida

December 31, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Bring on the New Yerconfetti

The two RV Gypsies spent New Years Eve at Monica Ekedahl's house and they watched TV to see the ball drop at Times Square.

Times Square ball drop on New Years Eve

Karen Duquette celebrating the arrival of 2018

Happy New Year karen Duquette 2018

The Swedish star that hangs in the window of all Swedish people on New Year's Eve.

Swedish star
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Below: The two RV Gypsies took a walk on Fort Lauderdale Beach, January 7, 2018

sign - Greetings from Fort Lauderdale Florida plaque on sidewalk

Below: Karen and Lee Duquette with a giant Florida Sandman

Florida sandman

The two RV Gypsies had a taco snack at The Drunken Taco on the beach. It was a cool, windy day, about 67 degrees. Most of the restaurants had heaters going outside, but Lee Duquette said he did not even feel any heat from the heater and he was sitting right next to it. The tacos were okay, but nothing special.

The Drunken Taco menu Lee Duquette at Drunken Taco
parrots on the beach

Below: A few days later, the two RV Gypsies' great-grandson came over to the RV and had fun with the 2018 glasses. And so did a stuffed doll (it talked) that Renee once gave to her father as a joke.


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