Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
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The two RV Gypsies
visit Hecta Head Lighthouse and Beach
July 31, 2013

An historical bridge as seen from the beach by Hecta Head Lighthouse

An historical bridge
An historical bridge

Hecta Head and neighboring islands give animals the rocky refuge they need to survive. Seabirds and sea mammals need the ocean and these islands for food and protection from predators and human harassment. Seabirds relay on rocky cliffs and islands for safe nesting sites. Seals and sea lions go out on rocks to nest and give birth.

the beach by Hecta Head Lighthouse
Lee Duquette and Ilse on the beach by Hecta Head Lighthouse

Ilse Blahak walking towards the ocean and Parrot and Pinnacle Rocks

Ilse Blahak walking towards the ocean
Parrot and Pinnacle Rocks

Lee Duquette

Surfers in the ocean

Lee Duquette walking towards the ocean
surfer in the ocean
sign about how this rocky refuge formed

Lee and Karen Duquette start up the path to Hecta Head Lighthouse

Lee and Karen Duquette start up the path to Hecta Head Lighthouse

Karen Duquette and her sister Ilse Blahak standing in front of Hecta Head Lighthouse.

Karen Duquette and her sister Ilse Blahak standing in front of Hecta Head Lighthouse
Hecta Head Lighthouse

The light is on, but can barely be seen due to the fog.

The light is on, but can barely be seen due to the fog
poster about Hecta Head Lighthouse
a rocky refuge sign

The fog is so heavy that the rocks down below can barely be seen.

The fog is so heavy that the rocks down below can barely be seen.
The fog is so heavy that the rocks down below can barely be seen.

This is not a black and white photo. The fog is so heavy that the colors are lost.

rock in heavy fog
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Menu for the two RV Gypsies Adventures
in Florence, Oregon
July 31, 2013

You may visit these five (5) sites in any order you choose.
The page you are on is grayed out and cannot be chosen.

South Jetty Beach Sand Dunes

driving in fog & a tunnel


Hecta Head Lighthouse & beach

Cape Perpetua & Strawberry Hill


The World's Largest Sea Cave and lots of Steller Sea Lions

GO TO THE NEXT ADVENTURE OF THE TWO RV GYPSIESAFTER you have seen all five (5) sections above,
please continue on to Bend
, Oregon --
Benham Falls, Lava River Cave, Lava Butte and more
plus Crater Lake National Park and Crystal Crane Hot Springs