Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Cumberland Falls, home of the Moonbow
in Corbin, Kentucky
October 7, 2009
map showing location of Kentucky

Surrounded by the natural, unspoiled beauty of the Daniel Boone National Forest, Cumberland Falls is a wilderness retreat with bountiful outdoor recreation opportunities including the thrilling power of a thundering waterfall plunging into a boulder-strewn gorge.
sign - Cumberland Falls State Resort Park
sign - Welcome to Cumberland Falls State Resort Park
sign about Kentucky wild rivers
The Cumberland River flows nearly 700 miles. In recognition of the exceptional natural quality and aesthetic character, a 16-mile segment from summer Shoats to Lake Cumberland, including the Cumberland Falls area, is designated as a Kentucky Wild River.
Cumberland River above the falls
Cumberland River above the falls
Cumberland River above the falls
Cumberland River above the falls
Cumberland River just as it hits the falls
Cumberland River above the falls
Cumberland River
Below: The Cumberland Falls Visitor Center includes exhibits about the park's geology, history, and natural wonders. The Staff is available to answer questions. There is also a gift shop, seasonal snack bar, picnic tables, restrooms, and several hiking trails ranging from 1.5 miles to 10.8 miles in length each way. There is always the possibility of poisonous snakes on the trails.
sign - Cumberland Falls visitor center
sign about the moonbow
sign about the rainbow
sign about the moonbow
sign about the moonbow
moonbow sign
sign about the moonbow
A beautiful daytime Rainbow
A beautiful daytime Rainbow
A beautiful daytime Rainbow
A beautiful daytime Rainbow
A beautiful daytime Rainbow
Cumberland River

laughing dudeNotice Karen Duquette's reflection and her orange shirt in these signs that she photographed.

sign about Cumberland Falls
sign about Cumberland Falls Hotel
sign about the formation of Cumberland Falls
sign about the river and rocks
Below: Cumberland Falls is known as the "Niagara of the South". The waterfall forms a 125-foot wide curtain that plunges seven stories into a boulder-strewn gorge below. The mist of Cumberland Falls creates the magic of the moonbow, only visible on a clear night during a full moon. This unique phenomenon appears nowhere else in the Western Hemisphere.
Cumberland Falls
Cumberland Falls
a fisherman
sign - to lower overlooks
stairs down to the lower overlooks
big boulders on the trail down
Lee Duquette
Below: A tall tree with a weird shaped hole at the bottom
a tall tree with a weird shaped hole at the bottom
Below: Cumberland Falls as seen by the two RV Gypsies from the lower overlook.
Cumberland Falls as seen from the lower overlook
Cumberland Falls as seen from the lower overlook
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
balancing boulders
Lee Duquete studying the boulders
Below: Cumberland Falls as seen by the two RV Gypsies from the upper overlook
Cumberland Falls from the lower overlook
Cumberland Falls from the lower overlook
Cumberland Falls from the lower overlook
Cumberland Falls from the lower overlook
Lee Duquette
Lee Duquette
T. Coleman duPont
Cumberland River
Cumberland River
Cumberland Falls
Cumberland Falls
Below: The trail from the lower overlook to the beach area
The trail from the lower overlook to the beach area
Lee Duquette in a boulder cave
Lee Duquette in a boulder cave
Below: Looking up at the tall rock formation above the trail to the beach
looking up at the tall rock formation above the trail to the beach
looking up at the tall rock formation above the trail to the beach
Below: Broken columns laying on the trail - They used to form a platform in the river that was used for a swimming area used by many people
broken columns
broken columns
Below: The beach area - no longer used as a swimming area
The beach area
The beach area
The beach area
The beach area
The beach area
The beach area
Below: From this lower beach area, all that can seen of the falls is the mist
mist from the falls
mist from the falls
Below: A close-up of the colorful sand on the beach - what a great texture photograph by Karen Duquette. She likes to take still-life and texture photos.
a great texture photograph
a great texture photograph
Below: Lee Duquette was ready to return to the top of the falls. "Let's go Karen" he said.
Lee Duquette
Below: There were a lot of raccoons at Cumberland Falls
unhappy faceBecause the daytime and evening conditions said to be just right on this date, the two RV Gypsies returned in the evening to see the moonbow, and after a 2-1/2 hour wait, they aborted the mission because fog rolled in. Bummer! The two RV Gypsies returned her again in 2011 with their grandson, and once again, they did NOT get to see the Moonbow. But a link to the 2011 experience is linked below because the experience was very different and including rafting up close to the falls.

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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies The two RV Gypsies returned to Cumberland Falls in 2011 with their grandson, Alex Jones. The photos are different from above and include rafting up close to the falls.
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go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies continue on in 2009 to the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken


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