Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
October 7, 2009

Corbin, Kentucky is where Colonel Sanders got his start in the restaurant business. The Cafe is considered the birthplace of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Inside is a KFC restaurant and a museum.
Sanders Cafe sign
the KFC building
Lee Duquette sign - Birth of a legend - KFC
sign - birthplace of KFC sign - birthplace of KFC
Lee Duquette entering KFC Lee Duquette and the Colonel
Colonel Sanders
Colonel Sanders
a souvenir sign in Kfc
This KFC is also a museum
Below: Colonel Sanders' Office
Colonel Sanders' Office
Colonel Sanders
Below: Colonel Sanders' Kitchen
Colonel Sanders' Kitchen
Colonel Sanders' Kitchen
Colonel Sanders' cooking clock
Below: Sleeping quarters
Sleeping quarters
Below: Dining Room
Dining Room
hutch, table, and chairs
museum info
museum info

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The two RV Gypsies returned to KFC in 2011 with their grandson, Alex Jones - a link at the bottom of that page will return you here.


go to the next adventure of the two RV GypsiesStay in the year 2009 and visit The Alpine / Bavarian town of Helen, Georgia and Cleveland, Georgia


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