Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

USA map showing location of Montana

in Hardin, Montana
Big Horn County

Bighorn Canyon and Yellowtail Dam - September 8, 2009 (plus the campground)

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 5,015 square miles of which, 4,995 square miles of it is land and 20 square miles of it is water. Most of the county's land area comprises Indian reservations: The Crow Indian Reservation covers 64.2 percent of its area, while the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation covers another 6.37 percent. Elevation 2,703 feet.
sign - entering montana
sign - Buffalo Country
Below: Scenery taken through the closed window of the moving RV while driving in Montana.
scenery while driving in Montana
scenery while driving in Montana
scenery while driving in Montana
scenery while driving in Montana
scenery while driving in Montana
Below: Hardin KOA in Hardin Montana, Big Horn County. The first campground in awhile with a pool and hot tub, but they close at 8 P.M. which is way to early in the opinion of the two RV Gypsies. They seldom use such amenities, but sometimes they do have the time to do so. No clotheslines are allowed here. A Camping sink was provided for washing dishes, but again, the two RV Gypsies do not need or use such items. Washing of cars or RV's not permitted. There was 50 amp service which the two RV Gypsies need. Plus bicycle rentals, cable TV - limited stations - FOX station, Free Wi-Fi, LP Gas, tent sites. Ice Cream socials in June, July and August.
sign - KOA kampground
Below: The new yard of the two RV Gypsies - Peaceful and quiet with nobody else around.
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
the RV of the two RV Gypsies
the toad of the two RV Gypsies
KOA Kampground
KOA Kampground

Below: The campground had old bicycles lined up marking their boundary. The two RV Gypsies donated their two bicycles to this campground because they had not used them on the entire trip, even though they were in excellent condition - just dirty from the Alaska Highway. And Lee Duquette thought they were in the way and too much work. The owner was shocked that the two RV Gypsies would just give away bicycles in such perfect condition. Actually, Karen Duquette hopes she would not regret that decision in the future.

The bikes below are NOT the ones, the two RV Gypsies donated.

bicycle and field
bicycle and field
no pet sign

Below: Points of interest in the area; Fort Smith, Custer Battlefield Museum, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Pictograph Cave, Willow Creek Dam, Yellowtail Dam, Zoo Montana (Who wants a zoo after all the wildlife we've seen?)

Below: The two RV Gypsies set out for a day at Yellowtail Dam and a picnic.
sign - Bighorn Canyon - Yellowtail dan
beautiful scenery
sign - Head Gate Trail
Lee on Head Gate Trail
Head Gate Trail
Head Gate Trail
Below: Lee Duquette reached the bottom of the short trail and examined footprints. "Bummer, they are just a dog's footprints" Lee said.
Head Gate Trail
Lee examines footprints
Head Gate Trail
Head Gate Trail
Head Gate Trail
Head Gate Trail
Below: The sign that explained why Yellowtail Dam could not be reached at this time.
sign - Yellowtail Dam and Powerplant
sign - area closed
Below: So the two RV Gypsies drove around looking for a picnic spot.
beautiful scenery
beautiful scenery
beautiful scenery
Below: The two RV Gypsies found a nice, quiet, secluded picnic area. The only living thing around was lots of crickets. Yuck!
a picnic area

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Montana's Best Kept Secret


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