Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
at Hershey Gardens in 2008
Karen at the Hershey Gardens entrance
Hershey Gardens entrance sign
Below: The two RV Gypsies got their first scenic views upon entering Hershey Gardens.
first view upon entering Hershey Gardens
first view upon entering Hershey Gardens
View from the Gardens looking at
Hershey Amusement Park
Beautiful sculptures in a tree
view from the Gardens looking into Hershey
a gret tree
Below: The Two RV Gypsies found peace and beauty at Hershey Gardens. And very few people were around.
Lee at the entrance
Below: Karen Duquette at the Hershey Kisses Sculptures which sprayed water out of the top of the kisses.
Karen & Hershey Kisses
got milk
Below: The 9 squares shown below were musical and Karen Duquette danced on them. A video has been taken of this funny event can be seen by choosing the TOC button above, the choosing Movies/Videos. Botanical Tunes were such a delight!
Botanical tunes
Below: This fountain kept the ball rising and falling - a fun video of this can also be seen by choosing the TOC button above.
garden fountain
water fountain
a great tree
Below: A poster showing how actual
Cart and Pony Rides were given at
Hershey Park 1949-1970
Below: A replica of the Cart and Pony Ride
carriage sign
horse and carriage
lamb earrrrrrrr
tub of flowers
Below: The Two RV Gypsies at the River Banker's Picnic area in Hershey Gardens.
the two RV Gypsies being professional tourists
Lee on the bridge ro River Banker's Picnic area
Hen and chicks
Below: After seeing the Obedient Plant, Karen Duquette made Lee Duquette obey her and stand in the rock slippers.
Obedoent Plant
Below: Chocolate tropics chart
chocolate tropics chart
garden view
Lee resting
Lee resting
tree horse

Below: The Butterfly House at Hershey Gardens

Butterfly House at Hershey Gardens
Monarch life cycle
butterfly info


Butterfly gardens at Hershey Park
Butterfly Gardens
look below
Thousand Trails in Lebanon
Tohickon Campground in Quakertown
Antique Car Museum
Delaware River dividing PA and NJ
Hershey and Hershey Chocolate World
Hershey Gardens (this page)
Hershey Park
Indian Echo Caverns
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Karen Duquette's family re-union
look below

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The two RV Gypsies in Alaska
The two RV Gypsies adventures in Canada
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