Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

enjoyed the Antique Car Museum in Pennsylvania
June 6, 2008

This page is dedicated to Karen Duquette's beloved brother Evie, who loved antique cars.
antique car
antique car
antique motorcyle
1884 Copeland/Star Steam Cycle
1884 Copeland/Star Steam Cycle sign
1909 Torpedo Model F
Below: 1909 Torpedo Model F bicycle - I love it!
1928 Henderson four Deluxe
1928 Henderson four Deluxe
1928 Henderson four Deluxe
1916 Indian Powerplus with Sidecar
1928 Henderson Four Deluxe
1916 Indian Powerplus with Sidecar
antique car
antique side car
Below: Karen Duquette and Car 53
Karen and car 53
clipart - smile faceCheck out these gas prices above
- don't you wish it still was true -
an old gas pump from long ago
gas prices at the pump from long ago
Below: Hershey's Kiss Mobile and Karen Duquette
Hershey's Kiss Mobile
Hershey's Kiss Mobile and Karen
Hershey's Kiss Mobile
Hershey's Kiss Mobile and Karen sign
Hershey's Kiss Mobile
Hershey's Kiss Mobile
Below: Fun at the Diner
The two RV Gypsies in the doorway of an old-fashioned diner
Diner with Lee in the doorway
Diner with Karen in the doorway
The diner's kitchen
The diner's counter
cook in the diner
diner kitchen
Lee Duquette at the counter in the diner
Lee at the counter in the diner
Lee at the counter in the diner
breakfast menu
How would you like to carry this phone around?
diner menu
phone in the diner

look below
Always remember to scroll to the very bottom of every page for more travel options.

Thousand Trails in Lebanon
Tohickon Campground in Quakertown
Antique Car Museum (this page)
Delaware River dividing PA and NJ
Hershey and Hershey Chocolate World
Hershey Gardens
Hershey Park
Indian Echo Caverns
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Karen Duquette's family re-union
look below

go to the next set of photos from the two RV Gypsies After you have seen ALL of the above, continue on to enjoy Karen Duquette's trip to visit friends in Stockholm, Sweden.

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The two RV Gypsies in Alaska
The two RV Gypsies adventures in Canada
Countries Karen and Lee Duquette visited cruises Karen and Lee Duquette have taken The two RV Gypsies travel in the USA learn about Lee and Karen Duquette
learn about Brian Lee Duquette's life and tragedy
e-mail the two RV Gypsies
Flashback memories of the two RV Gypsies please sign the Tow RV Gypsies' guestbook Links to other RV information useful hints for RV trips
art seen by the two RV Gypsies campgrounds in USA and Canada Botanical Gardens, Cactus, flowers, Arboretums Lighthouses visited by Karen Duquette Museums visited by Karen Duquette National Parks in the USA and Canada
Oddities, Big things, weird stuff Restaurt comments and photos State Parks in the USA Travel Videos by the two RV Gypsies Waterfalls wildlife in the USA and Canada