Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

at Tohickon Campground in Pennsylvania
June 10, 2008

The two RV Gypsies got a new yard (yet again) but this time at Tohickon Campground. Actually, Lee Duquette was alone at Tohickon Campground because Karen Duquette took a trip to Stockholm, Sweden to visit her friend, Monica Ekedahl who lives in Stockholm. But before Karen left for Sweden, they enjoyed several places in Pennsylvania as listed in the menu at the bottom of this page - where there is also a link to Stockholm.
Tohickson Campground sign
new yard for the two RV Gypsies
Below: Several views from the window of the two RV Gypsies' RV, known as AWO "All We Own"
view from the two RV Gypsies yard
view from the two RV Gypsies yard
Below: Ducks across from the RV of the two RV Gypsies
view from the two RV Gypsies yard
Below: Sheards Mill Covered Bridge and MOB, the car belonging to the two RV Gypsies. When the two RV Gypsies first arrived at this campground, they had trouble finding an alternate route to get to the campground, because their RV was too tall to fit under this covered bridge, which is right outside the campground.
covered bridge sign
MOB in the covered bridge
MOB & the covered bridge

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Always remember to scroll to the very bottom of every page for more travel options.

Thousand Trails in Lebanon
Tohickon Campground in Quakertown (this page)
Antique Car Museum
Delaware River dividing PA and NJ
Hershey and Hershey Chocolate World
Hershey Gardens
Hershey Park
Indian Echo Caverns
Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Karen Duquette's family re-union
look below

go to the next set of photos from the two RV Gypsies After you have seen ALL of the above, continue on to enjoy Karen Duquette's trip to visit friends in Stockholm, Sweden.

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The two RV Gypsies in Alaska
The two RV Gypsies adventures in Canada
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learn about Brian Lee Duquette's life and tragedy
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