William Noordermeer Formal Gardens are named for William Noordermeer who served as the Superintendent of Rapid City Parks from December 1965 through February 1985. Bill was instrumental in designing many of the gardens in Rapid City. The Formal Gardens are located in Sioux Park on Canyon Lake Drive. These gardens have over 10,000 annuals and perennials arranged in over 70 beds designed in a European formal design. The unusual and unique flowers are labeled and the beds have grass walkways to encourage visitors to examine the floras.
The two RV Gypsies really liked the Sundial. |
Below: A closer look at the shadow of the sundial, and the cement arrow under the giant sundial. |
Below: A small
walking bridge and a view from each side of the bridge. |
From the gardens, the two RV Gypsies saw Dinosaur Park high up on the hill,
so they decided to find out how to drive up there. Photos and history
of Dinosaur Park can be reached via the SD menu below. |