The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time
at Osteria Maria
510 S. Royal Avenue
Front Royal, VA 22630
phone: "-540.631.1101

Below: This picture was hanging on the wall in the
restaurant. The two RV Gypsies are not sure of what the information
picture is supposed to portray, but to them it was "Child Labor" |
It took Karen Duquette quite awhile afterwards to
post this page because they do not always have internet while traveling
in their RV. Looking at the photos below, Karen is not even sure what
the meals actually were. But she does remember that the food was okay,
but not the best Italian food they ever had. She is pretty sure the
first two photos are a weird lasagne, |
These comments do not make the restaurant good or
bad in general, they are just the comments of the two RV Gypsies'
experience on this date. |
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