Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

visited Mission San Jose in
San Antonio, Texas
April 9, 2009

Mission San Jose: Established in 1720, this is the best example of a restored mission in the United States. The famous "Rose Window" and card stone facade at the entrance are examples of the fine detail and craftsmanship of artisans who built the mission.
Mission San Jose sign
Mission San Jose
Below: The community cooking oven
Mission San Jose
community cooking oven
Mission San Jose
Lee Duquette
Below: 3 views of Mission San Jose
Mission San Jose
Mission San Jose
Mission San Jose

Below: The Church

inside the church

Below: Lee Duquette outside the Old Grist Mill

Below: The old Grist Mill and wheel

the old Grist mill
Lee outside the old Grist mill wheel

Below: Looking down at the water falling outside the old Grist Mill - and a demonstration of making flour

water fall
making wheat in Lee outside the old Grist mill

Below: Lee Duquette showing the size of the plant in the photo at the right.

Lee and plant

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