Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers at

sign - Mt. Terry Fox rest area

Mount Terry Fox

August 23-24, 2009

Mount Terry Fox is a peak in the Selwyn Range of the Canadian Rockies in British Columbia, Canada. In 1981, the previously-unnamed mountain was christened in honor of Terry Fox. It is 10.5 kilometres (6.5 miles) north of Valemount, British Columbia and 21 kilometres (13 miles) southwest of Mount Robson, and is within Mount Terry Fox Provincial Park, a day use park with limited facilities. There is no road access. A Highway 16 viewpoint 7 km west of Mt. Robson west gate provides a view of the mountain. This park is historically significant as a park dedicated to Terry Fox for his outstanding achievements.

sign - how the marathon of Hope began
sign - this mountain dedicated to memory of Terry Fox

history bookMount Terry Fox is dedicated to the memory of Terry Fox of Port Coquitlam, B.C. Terry Fox lost a leg to bone cancer, but undertook to run across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. He completed 5,375 km before illness forced him to end his run. His valiant effort against incredible odds touched the hearts of all Canadians and people around the world. Terry died on June 28, 1981. The mountain that bears his name will serve forever as an enduring and fitting memorial to a young Canadian's determination, selflessness, and courage.

The park was officially dedicated September 22, 1981 by the family of Terry Fox and the people of British Columbia.

the RV and toad of the two RV Gypsies at Mt. Terry Fox
sign pointing to  Mt. Terry Fox
Below - a nice picnic area and looking back at the two RV Gypsies' RV from the picnic area
picnic area at  Mt. Terry Fox
the RV of the two RV Gypsies at Mt. Terry Fox
pathway to the trail
Mt. Terry Fox
Mt. Terry Fox
the river
the river
Lee Duquette
Mt. Terry Fox
Mt. Terry Fox
the river
the river
Lee Duquette
the river
Mt. Terry Fox
the river
the river
the river
monument to Terry Fox
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