Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers

drove through British Columbia after leaving Alaska
August 20, 2009

Very pretty scenery along the way
driving scenery - a waterfall
driving scenery
driving scenery - a river
driving scenery - a river
driving scenery - a river
sign - Avalanche Area - Year round
Below: Tall poles were often surrounded by big piles of rocks - for stability.
a pole and rocks
Below: Views of Bear Glacier on the Stewart, BC-Hyder, AK Access Road
driving scenery - a glacier
Below: Signs on the Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska Access Road
directional signs
directional signs
a river
a river
a river
sign about kids on the highway
great scenery
great scenery
great scenery
Below - A quick drive through Smithers, British Columbia, Canada
sign - welcome to Smithers
a statue
a statue
a bear statue
flags in the city
another statue
Below: The two RV Gypsies stopped at Riverside Golf and R.V. Park for the evening. Lee Duquette was not feeling well, so he did not get to use the golf driving range. It was just an evening of rest, before traveling again the next day. Karen Duquette bought food from the restaurant back to the RV, but the food was NOT good. The soup was cold; the chicken in the salad was heavily breaded, over-cooked, and dried out - tasted more like croutons than chicken. The RV spaces were tight, no cable, no sewer, no internet, no TV. The two RV Gypsies were assigned to space #20, but there was no such space, so they parked in space #21, which was beside space #19.
sign - Riverside RV Park
driving range at the park
Below: A quick drive through more places in British Columbia, Canada
sign - Telkwa
sign - chain up area
sign - welcome to Madonia Forest District
check out the curvy roller coaster road
sign - welcome to Burn's Lake
Hanging flower basket
Hanging flower basket
Below: Hanging flower baskets were everywhere - and even the car below was decorated with flowers.
car covered with flowers
Below: The lunch stop for the two RV Gypsies - this scenery beats any restaurant
lunch stop by a lake
lunch stop by a lake
a memorial
memorial sign
Below: A quick drive through Vanderhoof - The Geographical Centre of British Columbia.
sign - welcome to Vanderhoof BC
flags - welcome to Vanderhoof BC
sign - welcome to Vanderhoof BC
Karen Duquette and a sign - welcome to Vanderhoof BC
sign - have a safe trip
sign - have a safe trip
Below - A quick drive through Prince George - does British Columbia have 2 capitals????
sign - welcome to Prince George
bridge and river
a wooden man
gateway sign
look below

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