Lee and Karen Duquette,
The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
hiked to Hixon Falls - Hixon, British Columbia, Canada
May 24, 2009
The community of Hixon is in British Columbia, halfway between Prince George and Quesnel. It is a farming, logging, mining, and retirement community with a population of 500. The town is situated at the confluence of two streams. Hixon is named after Joseph Foster Hixon, the leader of an 1866 gold mining expedition. Considerable gold was found in the area and local legend has it that the largest gold nugget was found in Hixon Creek.
Hixon Road is a small, narrow, and curvy dirt road - definitely NOT the road for an RV, but it is worth the short road trip in a car to get to Hixon Falls and the Chutes.
Hixon Road is a small, narrow, and curvy dirt road
Hixon Road is a small, narrow, and curvy dirt road
Hixon Road is a small, narrow, and curvy dirt road
Hixon Road is a small, narrow, and curvy dirt road
Below: The trail into Hixon Falls was a short, easy trail, but the bridge was missing some planks.
No worries................
the bridge is missing some  planks
the bridge
Karen Duquette on the bridge
Karen Duquette on the bridge
Lee Duquette
Below: After crossing the bridge and rounding a corner, the two RV Gypsies got their first glimpse of Hixon Falls.
The first look at Hixon Falls
Hixon Falls
Hixon Falls
a close-up of Hixon Falls
Below: Lee Duquette thought he was a beaver!
Lee Duquette
laughing clip art dudeLee Duquette
a close up of the falls
a close up of the falls
Lee enjoying the view
the trail
rushing water
rushing water
the flow downhill
the falls
Below: The hike to the chutes was a bit longer and a bit rougher than the trail to Hixon Falls.
sign - Chutes
Below: An animal footprint and animal poop - possibly deer ?? (Only Lee Duquette would photograph animal poop)
rushing water
animal poop
Below: Karen Duquette on the trail to the chutes (Lee Duquette got camera happy)
Karen on the trail to the chutes
Karen on the trail to the chutes
Karen on the trail to the chutes
Below: Lee Duquette yelled to Karen Duquette, "You look like Little Red Ridinghood in the woods"
Karen trying to see where Lee is at
Karen trying to see where Lee is at
"Oh yeah - I can be Little Red Ridinghood" said Karen Duquette - LOL
Karen Duquette
Karen Duquette
Below: Karen Duquette was NOT successful in avoiding the MUD!
Karen trying to avoid the MUD!
Karen trying to avoid the MUD!
Lee Duquette
Lee Duquette
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
the chutes
part of the stairs
stepping up the stairs

Below: Poor MOB (Karen Duquette's name for the toad, meaning My Orange Baby). MOB was sure dirty from the dirt road heading to the falls, but it was worth it. And although the two RV Gypsies did not know it at the time, MOB was actually clean compared to what the future would bring for her.

a very dirty car
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