The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Vancouver, British Columbia
May 18, 2009
On May 18, 2009 the two RV Gypsies visited Vancouver BC. They had also been in Vancouver in May of 2004 via a cruise ship. Those photos can be reached through this link, BUT be sure to return here to continue on in 2009. The sites are VERY different.
Karen and a painted eagle
Karen and a painted eagle
Karen and 3 painted eagles
a cruise ship
Below: Lee Duquette and the Royal Mountie Moose
Lee and a royal mounty
Gastown sign
steam clock

Below: A steam clock that Lee Duquette liked.

steam clock
steam clock
steam clock
sign for Smart Mouth cafe
The two RV Gypsies ate at this Greek Restaurant in 2004 and really loved it, so they ate here again in 2009 and discovered that the food was still great, in their opinion.

Scoozis eatery

Can you see Lee Duquette's reflection in the window as he took the photo? Karen Duquette's reflection is in the window also.

go to the next adventure of the two RV Gypsies in BC continue on in order of travel to
Hells Gate and the aerial tram


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