Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
(and Professional Travelers)

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Athabasca Falls
August 26, 2009
The Athabasca River has been carving a gorge through the Rocky Mountains for many thousands of years. The 23-metre Athabasca Falls are located 19 miles south of Jasper. Athabasca Falls has breathtaking views of jagged cliffs and brilliant flashes of spray.
sign - to Athabasca Falls
They are not real tall falls, but there are an amazing number of places to view the falls from different angles. First there is the Athabasca River and a great picnic area, followed by the Athabasca Falls viewpoint, then there is the Lower Canyon, the giant pothole, and the lower canyon viewpoint with rafters ...............
sign - Athabasca Falls Viewpoint
sing - lower canyon
sign - giant pothole
sign - lower canyon viewpoint
Now that you have seen the signs giving a hint of what to expect, scroll down for the real thing.
The two RV Gypsies enjoying a picnic beside the Athabasca River
the two RV Gypsies and Athabasca River
the two RV Gypsies and Athabasca River at top of the falls
The Athabasca River
picnic table
Athabasca River
Athabasca River
Athabasca River
Athabasca River
sign -a river journey through time
sign - water colours
the river just before the falls
the Athabasca Falls
the Athabasca Falls
steam from the waterfall
sign - abandoned channel
abandoned channel
abandoned chanel
sign - fish mystery
the Athabasca Falls
sign - the Athabasca Falls kills
the Athabasca Falls
the Athabasca Falls
the Athabasca Falls
sign - alpine gardens
POTHOLE - looks like good chocolate candy eh!
another pothole
rushing water
sign - sound and spray
sign - water versus rock
the falls
sign - rocks retreat
sign - why is there a waterfall here - explanation
the gorge
the Athabasca Falls
sign - whittling rock
sign - explore the lower canyon
sign - time tunnel
time tunnel
going to the lower canyon
to the lower canyon
looking up at the tall rocks
Lee on the path to the lower canyon
Lee Duquette on the steps to the lower canyon
The lower Canyon viewpoint and the river below
sign - the falls calm down into the river
the calmer river
the calmer river
Karen Duquette at the Athabasca River
Karen Duquette at the Athabasca River
Karen Duquette at the Athabasca River
Karen Duquette at the Athabasca River
the calm Athabasca River
the calm Athabasca River
the calm Athabasca River
Looking from lower viewpoint upwards towards the falls
Looking from lower viewpoint uowards towards the falls
go to the next page Horseshoe Lake