Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
(and Professional Travelers)
RV - AWO eyes of the two RV Gypsies

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a very unique house
as seen on the Travel Channel
August 29, 2009
this house is located across the street from the restaurant in the previous page
ouside of house
Canadian flag on top of house
ouside of house
ouside of house
side of house
view of house
carvings on the outside of the house
carvings on the outside of the house
Because the outside of this house was so amazing, The two RV Gypsies paid $3 a person to go INSIDE the house - although it still looks like they are outside.
Lee inside the house
looking up towards the ceiling - what ceiling
a carving closeup
the two RV Gypsies have fun "getting behind the wonderful carvings"
Karen Duquette
Lee Duquette
Many doors were quite intriguing - so Lee followed the written directions - I will try to upload a video to show what happens next - please be patient
the tired seat
Karen kissing a lonely bear
poster of Rolf Heer - the house owner
poster of Rolf Heer - the house owner
Indian carving
below - although these pictures did not come out very well, they are still worthy of being posted - Karen with the man that lives here and did all these fabulous carvings. He has such a talent and a great sense of humor.
the master and his house
Karen Duquette and Rolf Heer
go to the next page please continue on to
Fort Steele, British Columbia