The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Hyder, Alaska - more bears
Day 2 in Hyder, Alaska - The two RV Gypsies were about to park their car and go to the viewing bridge, when they spotted a grizzly bear at the side of the road - this makes bear #3 in Hyder.
bear #3 by the roadside
bear #3 by the roadside
bear #3 by the roadside
bear #3 walks away
Below: At the same time, bear #4 was walking across the street just a bit up the road. The two RV Gypsies are not sure if the same bear shown above crossed the road then went back across the road again or if this was two different bears. Mostly, the two RV Gypsies were paying attention to the bear above that was closer to them.
Bear #4 up the street
Bear #4 up the street
Below: The two RV Gypsies parked their car in the upper parking lot. As Karen Duquette got out of the car, she looked up and saw a grizzly bear heading toward the parking lot. Bear #5 in two days - not bad at all!
Bear #5 approaches the parking lot
bear #5 in the parking lot
Below: The grizzly bear stopped to check out something on the ground, then headed right towards Karen Duquette, so she yelled at Lee Duquette to get back in the car as she jumped back into the car. At first she kept the door open to take photos, but when the bear came too close, she closed the car door. The grizzly walked right beside the car, then into the trees, down the bank, and into the river. The two RV Gypsies then walked on the path in the parking lot, which was right above the river where the bear was walking. The two RV Gypsies followed the bear for quite awhile, aiming the camera down the bank to get fantastic photos of the bear.
bear enters the stream
bear in the stream
bear in the stream walking towards the view bridge
bear in the stream walking towards the view bridge
Below; Then the grizzly caught a fish and ate it. Karen Duquette got great photos and videos because she was standing safely, yet directly above the bear. The two RV Gypsies could hear the crunching of the fish's bones as the bear ate.
bear catches a fish
beat eats a fish
beat eats a fish
beat eats a fish
beat eats a fish
Below; The the grizzly continued its walk towards the viewing bridge where lots of people were waiting to see a bear. They had no clue that one was coming their way.
bear approaches the bridge
bear approaches the bridge
bear approaches the bridge
bear approaches the bridge
bear approaches the bridge
Below: The grizzly caught another fish, but this time he just bit the fish's head off and walked away. Cruel! Better the fish, than me! LOL!
grizzly catches another fish
grizzly walks away from the fish
Below: Alongside the stream, lots of partially eaten salmon lay on the banks. That means that fishing was good for the bears this year.
salmon on the banks, half eaten
leaving Hyder

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August 16-19, 2009
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Hyder Alaska and bears

Salmon Glacier

A bear caught and ate a fish then ran up and down the river

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Hyder Alaska and Stewart BC form the dividing line between Alaska and Canada. The two RV Gypsies camped in Stewart and drove across the border to see the bears in Hyder. You have already seen the bears, now see the campground and the new RV friends of the two RV Gypsies, then continue the journey of the two RV Gypsies as they leave Alaska and travel through Canada again and they encounter MORE BEARS, including a black bear. There was no security going from BC to Alaska here, but there was security going from Hyder to BC.


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