The Two RV Gypsies: Full-Time RVers
in Downtown Anchorage, Alaska
July 26, 2009
Anchorage, with half the state's population (about 280,000 residents), is Alaska's only true large city - almost 2,000 square miles. Still, a thousand moose live within the Anchorage city limits, and wolves and bears are seen on it's trails. (none witnessed by the two RV Gypsies however) Anchorage is on a jutting peninsula hemmed in by mountains, ocean, military bases and a state park. The first Anchorage residents were Eskimos, who lived here around 5,000 years ago. The overall population density of Anchorage is 161 people per square mile - compared with the statewide average of just one person per square mile. It has the largest mall in Alaska. It is the hub of the entire state of Alaska.
statue in downtown Anchorage
statue in downtown Anchorage

Below: What happed to Lee Duquette's head - it shrunk!

Lee Duquette - gold miner
statue in downtown Anchorage
The Alaska Railroad model
another coffee house
bear statue
Alaska Mint clock
Below: Alaska's state flower - the forget-me-not
Alaska's state flower - the forget-me-not
Alaska's state flower - the forget-me-not
Alaska's state flower - the forget-me-not
salmon statue
salmon statue

laughing clip art dudeBelow: Lee Duquette made friends with a bear.

Lee and a stuffed bear
bridge coffee house
stream and fishing area
Below: Neat clouds in the middle of the mountains
- the clouds almost look like steam instead of clouds -
clouds & mountains
clouds & mountains
Below: The two RV Gypsies went to the Alaska Wild Berry Park because they had a 2-4-1 coupon from the Alaska Tour Saver Book, which they highly recommend visitors to buy. They paid $40 at check-in and got a key chain with coupons. But when all is said and done they broke even, except that they got 2 free boxes of jelly-filled candy. At first they were charged extra for food and the movie, but when they spoke to the manager, they were refunded those cost. Was this visit worth it? Not in the opinion of the two RV Gypsies - with or without a coupon.
Alaska Wild Berry park entrance
reindeer sign
stuffed bear in the cafe
outside the theatre
sign - Wild  Berry Theater
Lee riding a polar bear cartoon
directional signs
sign about reindeer and caribou
sign about reindeer
two reindeer
windows on the barn
Below:In the winter when a good meal is hard to find, moose get very creative in the quest for food. The bark stripped from trees shown below is an example of a moose with the munchies.
moose munchie sign
trees the moose munched on
Below: Lee Duquette by a 20-foot chocolate waterfall - the largest of its kind in the world - as per the sign.
Lee Duquette and the largest chocolate waterfall in the world
sign about the largest chocolate waterfall in the world
the largest chocolate waterfall in the world
Alaska Wild Berry Bear
Lee Duquette and a stuffed bear realaxing in the gift shop
Karen Duquette and the rock man
sign about the rock man
sign about the inusksuk
sign - inuksuk or Inunnguaq
sign - purpose of the rock men
sign - alignment to a distant place
sign - giver of direction
sign - in likeness of a human
go to the next pageplease continue on to meet the Iditarod musher, Dallas Seavey at the sled dog dinner show


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