Karen Duquette's birthday - January 2025
at Kiosco Mexican Grill
3011 Spring Garden Street
Greensboro, NC 27403
Kiosco Mexican Grill sign
Kiosco Mexican Grill and snow Lee Duquettwe and snow
Karen Duquette's birthday celebration Karen Duquette and her free shot

The next day, Karen's daughter had family over for dinner to celebrate Karen's birthday plus Lee and Karen Duquette's anniversary. Nobody took any photos. But Karen took a selfie of herself.

Karen Duquette

Below: A few days later, Karen Duquette photographed a Red-Headed Woodpecker on a birdfeeder. It was not the first time, but they usually leave before she can take photo.

a Red-Headed Woodpecker a Red-Headed Woodpecker
a Red-Headed Woodpecker a Red-Headed Woodpecker

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