Lee and Karen Duquette
at Bilger's Rocks
1921 Bilgers Rocks Road in Bloom Township
Grampian, PA 16838
July 3, 2024

Bilger's Rocks is set amongst the woods outside the tiny borough of Grampian. The rocks have attracted visitors for more than 10,000 years, when Paleo-Indians used the outcroppings for shelter. Today, the area is managed by the Bilger's Rocks Association which maintains the area, hosts events, and runs tours through the rocks.

Parking for Bilger's Rocks is located near the top of the outcropping. While you can not actually see any of the boulders from the upper parking area, it is a short walk to both the top and the bottom of the rocks.

But Lee Duquette parked on the street at the bottom of Bilgers Rocks and Lee and Karen Duquette explored the bottom area first, then later, Lee drove to the upper parking area. It works either way.

small building painted like a flag directional signs
multi diretional signs Bilgers rocks map
Bilger's Rocks sign Bilger's Rocks sig
Karen and Lee Duquette at Bilger's rocks
Bilger's rocks sign Bilger's rocks Walking tour entry sign

Bilger's Rocks is a walking tour through lots of Sandstone formations. It is located near Grampian, Pennsylvania in Bloom Township. The geological formations known as Bilger's Rocks is a breathtaking scenic wonder featuring caves, cliffs, passageways, climbing routes, and other unusual features estimated to be between 316 - 320 million years old. (some can be dangerous)

Formed in 1988 by a group of local citizens to both preserve and promote the area. There are over ten miles of trails, so visitors must be careful not to get lost. Some trails travel across privately owned lands, while others follow along streams or through hardwood forests. Some trails are marked and distinguished by paint colored dots on the tree's along the trails, other trails are unmarked so therefore, it is possible to get lost here.

sign aboug John Larson
entry to Bilger's Rocks entry to Bilger's Rocks

Below: Just after entering through the rock formation shown above, Karen Duquette glanced back through that formation at where Lee Duquette had parked the car. Then it was time to press forward through the rocks.

Lee Duquette's car Bilger's Rocks trail

Below: Lee Duquette looked up at the rock walls towering above him.

Lee Duquette at Bilger's  Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's  Rocks
Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks

Below: Many of the passageways were filled with big rocks to step over and even tree roots.

Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks

Below: Karen Duquette liked the colors in the rocks.

Bilger's Rocks

Below: There were numbered markers, but Lee and Karen Duquette did not have any brochure to know what the markers stood for. But they could help to know if they are heading in the correct direction on their return to their car.

number 2 marker Bilger's Rocks
Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks

Below: A second #2 marker

Bilger's Rocks another #3 marker
Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks Karen Duquette at Bilger's Rocks

At times, Lee and Karen Duquette heard voices coming from the topside but they did not see the people.

Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks
Bilger's Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks
Karen Duquette at Bilger's Rocks
Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks
Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks
Bilger's Rocks marker numbr 3
Bilger's Rocks Bilger's Rocks
Karen Duquette at Bilger's Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks

Below: Lee Duquette did not really want to go any further because the rocks left the passages quite narrow. He started to turn around, but Karen Duquette was a bit ahead of him and urged him to continue.

Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks

Below: Hmmmm! Maybe it was NOT such a good idea to continue.

Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks
Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks

Below: Lee Duquette determined that they had gone far enough, so they turned around and found their way back to the car. Besides, they had yet to see Bilgers Rocks from the topside.

Lee Duquette at Bilger's Rocks

Below: Then it was time for Lee Duquette to move the car so they could explore the upper area of Bilgers' Rocks. Lee was not sure Karen Duquette could read the sign, so he pointed the way for her. DUH!

Lee Duquete pointing the way

Below: The upper area of Bilger's Rocks was amazing to explore, but caution was necessary because of giant cracks (openings) between the rocks. A fall would be a major disaster.

upper area of Bilger's Rocks upper area of Bilger's Rocks
upper area of Bilger's Rocks

Below: Looking down at the narrow passageways that Lee and Karen Duquette had just finished squeezing through. Some of these fairly large cracks could lead to a fall of 50 feet.

If you bring children here, they might not understand the dangers. Lee and Karen Duquette found it amazing to stand atop of these large rocks that they just finished squeezing through down below.

Looking down at the narrow passageways Looking down at the narrow passageways
Looking down at the narrow passageways Looking down at the narrow passageways
view from top of the rocks Looking down at the narrow passageways

Below: At the entry/exit road, Karen Duquette was not sure what this orange thing was. Lee Duquette thought that it was some kind of an air-compressed cannon - maybe a pumpkin shooter.

air-compressed cannon air-compressed cannon

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